pure, clean, umblemished θΘδεΙψ ϊ
of clean hands θΐδεΙψ-ιΘγΗιΔν
of pure heart θΐδεΙψ-μΕα
1. purification, cleansing
2. purging, purge
θΔδεΜψ (θιδεψ) ζ
purity, chastity θΙδΗψ (θεδψ) ζ
fair play (purity of arms) θΙδΗψ-δΗπΜΖωΡΖχ
1. to clean, purify
2. to exonerate
θΔδΕψ (θιδψ) τι [θ.δ.ψ., ςξ' 183]
1. was cleaned, purified
2. was exonerated
θΙδΗψ (θεδψ) τε [θ.δ.ψ., ςξ' 183] {ψΰδ βν: δΔθΜΗδΕψ}
purification, cleansing θΘδΓψΘδ π
Arbor Day θ"εΜ αΜΔωΡΐαΘθ
good, well-behaved θεΙα ϊ
kind-hearted θεΙα-μΕα
Good morning! αΙχΖψ θεΙα!
fondly remembered ζΘλεΜψ μΘθεΙα
Good night! μΗιΐμΘδ θεΙα!
Congratulations! ξΗζΜΘμ θεΙα!
Happy New Year! ωΡΘπΘδ θεΙαΘδ!
goodness, kindness θεΜα ζ
All the best! λΜΘμ-θεΜα!
favor, benefit θεΙαΘδ π
for the good of the cause μΐθεΙαΗϊ δΘςΔπΐιΘο
It's all for the best. βΜΗν ζεΙ μΐθεΙαΘδ.
to speak well of... μΐγΗαΜΕψ θεΙαΘδ (θεΙαεΙϊ) ςΗμ...
to spin, weave θΘεΘδ (θεεδ) τς [θ.ε.ι.\θ.ε.δ., ςξ' 185] {ψΰδ βν: πΔθΐεΘδ}
spun, woven θΘεεΜι ϊ
range, distance θΐεΘη (θεεη) ζ
short (long) range planning ϊΜΔλΐπεΜο μΔθΐεΘη χΘφΘψ (ΰΘψΙκΐ)
forward observer (artillery) θΗεΜΘη (θεεη) ζ
to find the range θΔεΜΗη (θιεη) τι [θ.ε.η., ςξ' 184]
was measured, ranged θΛεΜΗη (θεεη) τε [θ.ε.η., ςξ' 184]
miller θεΙηΕο ζ
molar (tooth) θεΙηΖπΖϊ π
lottery θεΙθεΙ ζ
total, complete θεΙθΘμΔι ϊ
weaving, spinning θΐεΔιΜΘδ (θεειιδ) π
tolerant, lenient θεΙμΖψΗπΐθΔι ϊ
tone θεΙο ζ
tuna θεΜπΘδ π
peacock θΗεΜΘρ (θεερ) ζ
taster θεΙςΕν ζ
claimant, appellant θεΙςΕο ζ