1. the twenty-second letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2. four hundred
3. the four hundredth
ú' (úÌÈå)
1. cell
2. room, cabin
3. cubicle
úÌÈà æ
post-office box úÌÈà-ãÌÉàÇø
craving, desirous of... úÌÈàÅá ú
appetite úÌÅàÈáåÉï (úéàáåï) æ
Bon appetite! áÌÀúÅàÈáåÉï!
buffalo úÌÀàåÉ æ (ø' úÌÀàåÉàÄéí)
lust, passion úÌÇàÂåÈä (úàååä) ð
passionate man áÌÇòÇì-úÌÇàÂååÉú
delicacy îÇàÂëÇì-úÌÇàÂåÈä
twin (masc., fem.) úÌÀàåÉí æ úÌÀàåÉîÈä ð
twins úÌÀàåÉîÄéí
accident úÌÀàåÌðÈä ð
traffic accident úÌÀàåÌðÇú-ãÌÀøÈëÄéí
work-related accident úÌàåÌðÇú-òÂáåÉãÈä
acceleration úÌÀàåÌöÈä ð
description, depiction úÌÅàåÌø (úéàåø) æ
lighting, illumination úÌÀàåÌøÈä ð
theory úÌÅàåÉøÀéÈä ð
theatre úÌÅàÇèÀøåÉï æ
cellulose úÌÈàÄéú ð
1. to match, be compatible
2. to be suitable
úÌÈàÇí ôò [ú.à.í., òî' 599] {øàä âí: äÄúÀàÄéí, äËúÀàÇí}
fig, fig tree úÌÀàÅðÈä ð
fig leaf, camouflage òÂìÅä-úÌÀàÇðÈä
to describe, outline úÌÅàÅø (úéàø) ôé [ú.à.ø., òî' 600]
was described úÌÉàÇø (úåÉàø) ôå [ú.à.ø., òî' 600]
1. form, shape
2. title, degree
úÌÉàÇø (úåàø) æ
first academic degree - B.A., B.S. úÌÉàÇø øÄàùÑåÉï
second academic degree - M.A., MBA., etc. úÌÉàÇø ùÑÅðÄé
third academic degree - doctorate úÌÉàÇø ùÑÀìÄéùÑÄé
adjective (gram.) ùÑÅí-úÌÉàÇø
date, period of time úÌÇàÂøÄéêÀ æ
1. box, case
2. ark
úÌÅáÈä (úéáä) ð
Noah's Ark úÌÅáÇú-ðÉçÇ
gear box úÌÅáÇú-äÄìÌåÌëÄéí
Pandora's box úÌÅáÇú-ôÌÇðÀãÌåÉøÈä
abbreviations øÈàùÑÅé-úÌÅáåÉú
yield, produce úÌÀáåÌàÈä ð
wisdom, intelligence úÌÀáåÌðÈä ð