1. the twenty-first letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2. three hundred
3. the three hundredth
ùÑ (ùÑÄéï), ùÉ (ñéï)
that, which, who... ùÑÆ-
when... ëÌÀùÑÆ-
1. to pump, draw water
2. to absorb, pull
ùÑÈàÇá ôò [ù.à.á., òî' 543] {øàä âí: ðÄùÑÀàÇá}
to roar, bellow ùÑÈàÇâ ôò [ù.à.â., òî' 543]
roar, bellow ùÑÀàÈâÈä ð
purgatory, the underworld ùÑÀàåÉì æå"ð
great torment çÆáÀìÅé-ùÑÀàåÉì
lent, borrowed ùÑÈàåÌì ú
loan word îÄìÌÈä ùÑÀàåÌìÈä
1. drawing, sucking
2. deriving
ùÑÀàÄéáÈä ð
interpolation, question from a Knesset member ùÑÀàÄéìÀúÈà, ùÑÀàÄéìÀúÈä ð
1. breathing, inhalation
2. aspiration, ambition
ùÑÀàÄéôÈä ð
1. to ask, request
2. to beg
3. borrow
ùÑÈàÇì ôò [ù.à.ì., òî' 544] {øàä âí: ðÄùÑÀàÇì, äÄùÑÀàÄéì, äËùÑÀàÇì}
to ask how someone is ìÄùÑÀàÉì áÌÄùÑÀìåÉí îÄéùÑÆäåÌ
1. question
2. request
ùÑÀàÅìÈä ð
burning question ùÑÀàÅìÈä áÌåÉòÆøÆú
rhetorical question ùÑÀàÅìÈä øÆèåÉøÄéú
naive question ùÑÀàÅìÇú-úÌÈí
question mark ñÄéîÇï-ùÑÀàÅìÈä
questionnaire ùÑÀàÅìåÉï æ
1. tranquil, serene
2. complacent
ùÑÇàÂðÈï ú
1. tranquility, serene
2. complacency
ùÑÇàÂðÇðÌåÌú ð
1. to inhale
2. to aspire to..., strive for...
ùÑÈàÇó ôò [ù.à.ó., òî' 545]
ambitious person ùÑÀàÇôÀúÌÈï æ
ambition, ambitiousness ùÑÀàÇôÀúÌÈðåÌú ð
remainder, the rest ùÑÀàÈø æ
etc., and so on... ùÑÀàÈø éÀøÈ÷åÉú
among the rest áÌÅéï-äÇùÌÑÀàÈø
1. kinsman, relative
2. flesh, meat
ùÑÀàÅø æ
next of kin ùÑÀàÅø-áÌÈùÒÈø
1. residue, remainder
2. relic
ùÑÀàÅøÄéú ð
one who returns ùÑÈá ú
pedestrian, passerby òåÉáÅø åÈùÑÈá
current account çÆùÑÀáÌåÉï òåÉáÅø åÈùÑÈá
1. to return, come back
2. to repent
ùÑÈá ôò [ù.å.á., òî' 553] {øàä âí: äÅùÑÄéá, äåÌùÑÇá}
he recuperated ùÑÈá ìÀàÅéúÈðåÉ
to capture, take prisoner ùÑÈáÈä ôò [ù.á.é.\ù.á.ä., òî' 546] {øàä âí: ðÄùÑÀáÌÈä}
prisoner, captive ùÑÈáåÌé úå"æ
ransom of prisoners ôÌÄãÀéåÉï-ùÑÀáåÌéÄéí