only øÇ÷
Just a moment! øÇ÷ øÆâÇò!
this and only this àÇêÀ åÀøÇ÷
spit, saliva øÉ÷ (øå÷) æ
to rot, decay, decompose ø÷á ôò [ìÄøÀ÷Éá; øÈ÷Åá; éÄøÀ÷Çá]
decay, rot øÈ÷Èá æ
rot, putrefaction øÄ÷ÌÈáåÉï (øé÷áåï) æ
to dance øÈ÷Çã ôò [ø.÷.ã., òî' 536] {øàä âí: äÄøÀ÷Äéã}
dancer øÇ÷ÀãÈï æ
temple (anat.) øÇ÷ÌÈä ð
rotten, decayed, corrupt øÈ÷åÌá ú
dancing, dance øÄ÷ÌåÌã (øé÷åã) æ
embroidered øÈ÷åÌí ú
to mix, compound øÈ÷Çç ôò [ø.÷.ç., òî' 536]
weaving, embroidery øÀ÷ÄéîÈä ð
sky heaven, firmament øÈ÷ÄéòÇ æ
to be in seventh heaven ìÄäÀéåÉú áÌÈøÈ÷ÄéòÇ äÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄé
biscuit, wafer øÈ÷Äé÷ æ
spitting øÀ÷Äé÷Èä ð
1. to embroider
2. to shape, form
øÈ÷Çí ôò [ø.÷.í., òî' 537] {øàä âí: ðÄøÀ÷Çí}
1. embroidery
2. tissue (biol.)
3. texture
øÄ÷ÀîÈä ð
background, setting øÆ÷Çò æ
cyclamen øÇ÷ÌÆôÆú ð
poor, miserable, beggar øÈùÑ úå"æ
to ridicule the poor ìÄìÀòÉâ ìÈøÈùÑ
eligible, entitled øÇùÌÑÇàé ú
licensing øÄùÌÑåÌé (øéùåé) æ
licensing office îÄùÒÀøÇã-äÈøÄùÌÑåÌé
negligence, carelessness øÄùÌÑåÌì (øéùåì) æ
1. registration, recording
2. sketching, tracing
øÄùÌÑåÌí (øéùåí) æ
registered, recorded øÈùÑåÌí ú
registered letter îÄëÀúÌÈá øÈùÑåÌí
1. permission, permit
2. authority, power
øÀùÑåÌú ð
the radio and TV authority øÈùÑåÌú-äÇùÌÑÄãÌåÌø
local authority øÈùÑåÌú îÀ÷åÉîÄéú
ownership øÀùÑåÌú ð
private ownership øÀùÑåÌú-äÇéÌÈçÄéã
public domain øÀùÑåÌú-äÈøÇáÌÄéí
license, permit øÄùÑÀéåÉï æ (ø' øÄùÑÀéåÉðåÉú)
driver's license øÄùÑÀéåÉï-ðÀäÄéâÈä
1. list, roster
2. recording, note
3. short article
øÀùÑÄéîÈä ð
negligent person øÇùÑÀìÈï æ
negligence, laziness øÇùÑÀìÈðåÌú ð
negligent, slovenly øÄùÑÀìÈðÄé ú