source, origin, root îÈ÷åÉø æ (ø' îÀ÷åÉøåÉú)
back to the source ùÑÄéáÈä àÆì äÇîÌÈ÷åÉø
beak, bill îÇ÷ÌåÉø æ (ø' îÇ÷ÌåÉøÄéí)
original îÀ÷åÉøÄé ú
originality îÀ÷åÉøÄéÌåÌú ð
1. taking, receiving
2. merchandise
îÄ÷ÌÈç (îé÷ç) æ
bargaining, haggling îÄ÷ÌÈç åÌîÄîÀëÌÈø
1. fragmented, segmented, cut
2. amputated
îÀ÷ËèÌÈò (î÷åèò) ú
jacket, dinner jacket îÄ÷ÀèÉøÆï (î÷èåøï) æ
pipe for smoking îÄ÷ÀèÆøÆú ð
comprehensive, embracing îÇ÷ÌÄéó ú
comprehensive insurance áÌÄèÌåÌçÇ îÇ÷ÌÄéó
stick, rod, staff îÇ÷ÌÅì æ
whipping stick îÇ÷ÌÅì-çåÉáÀìÄéí
shower, shower-bath îÄ÷ÀìÇçÇú ð
shelter, asylum îÄ÷ÀìÈè æ
political asylum îÄ÷ÀìÈè îÀãÄéðÄé
receiver, radio set îÇ÷ÀìÅè æ
recorded îË÷ÀìÈè (îå÷ìè) ú
machine gun îÇ÷ÀìÅòÇ æ
sub-machine gun úÌÇú-îÇ÷ÀìÅòÇ
damaged, spoiled, out-of-order îÀ÷ËìÀ÷Èì (î÷åì÷ì) ú
jealous, envious one îÀ÷ÇðÌÅà úå"æ
wonderful, enchanting îÇ÷ÀñÄéí ú
enchanted, charmed îË÷ÀñÈí (îå÷ñí)
hyphen îÇ÷ÌÈó æ
surrounded îË÷ÌÈó (îå÷ó) ú
frozen îË÷ÀôÌÈà (îå÷ôà) ú
jelly îÄ÷ÀôÌÈà æ
discriminated against, denied, deprived îÀ÷ËôÌÈç (î÷åôç) ú
precise, meticulous îÇ÷ÀôÌÄéã úå"æ
folded, pleated îÀ÷ËôÌÈì (î÷åôì) ú
springboard, diving board îÇ÷ÀôÌÅöÈä ð
allocated, budgeted îË÷ÀöÈá (îå÷öá) ú
profession, occupation îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÇ æ (ø' îÄ÷ÀöåÉòåÉú)
liberal profession îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÇ çÈôÀùÑÄé
professional person áÌÇòÇì-îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÇ
plane (carpentry) îÇ÷ÀöåÌòÈä ð
professional, vocational îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÄé ú
professional person îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÈï æ
professionalism îÄ÷ÀöåÉòÈðåÌú ð
foamy, frothy îÇ÷ÀöÄéó ú
cake/egg beater îÇ÷ÀöÅó æ
shortened, abridged îÀ÷ËöÌÈø (î÷åöø) ú
reaper, harvester îÇ÷ÀöÅøÈä ð
cockroach îÇ÷ÌÈ÷ æ
the Bible, five books of Moses îÄ÷ÀøÈà æ (ø' îÄ÷ÀøÈàÄéí, îÄ÷ÀøÈàåÉú)
reader, anthology îÄ÷ÀøÈàÈä ð
biblical îÄ÷ÀøÈàÄé ú
close to..., favorite of... îÀ÷ÉøÈá (î÷åøá) ú
chance, occurrence, event îÄ÷ÀøÆä æ
by chance áÌÀîÄ÷ÀøÆä
accidental, random, haphazard îÄ÷ÀøÄé ú
chance, casualness îÄ÷ÀøÄéÌåÌú ð
radiating, radiant îÇ÷ÀøÄéï ú
projector îÇ÷ÀøÅï æ
slide projector îÇ÷ÀøÅï-ùÑÀ÷åÌôÄéÌåÉú
real estate îÀ÷ÇøÀ÷ÀòÄéï æ"ø
Israel land administration îÄðÀäÇì îÀ÷ÇøÀ÷ÀòÅé-éÄùÒÀøÈàÅì
refrigerator îÀ÷ÈøÅø æ