hoe, pick-axe îÇòÀãÌÅø æ
encouraging îÀòåÉãÅã ú
stronghold, fortress îÈòåÉæ æ
1. minority
2. small amount, minimum
îÄòåÌè (îéòåè) æ
ethnic minorities îÄòåÌèÄéí
crushed, squeezed îÈòåÌêÀ ú
house, residence, dwelling îÈòåÉï æ (ø' îÀòåÉðåÉú)
student's hostel îÀòåÉï-ñÀèåÌãÆðÀèÄéí
flying, winged îÀòåÉôÅó ú
1. awaking, arousing
2. stimulant
îÀòåÉøÅø ú
alarm clock ùÑÈòåÉï-îÀòåÉøÅø
distorted, twisted îÀòËåÌÈú (îòååú) ú
little, a little îÀòÇè
almost ëÌÄîÀòÇè
almost not ëÌÄîÀòÇè ùÑÆìÌÉà
very shortly òåÉã îÀòÇè
wrapped îÀòËèÌÈó (îòåèó) ú
1. envelope
2. paper cover of a book
îÇòÂèÈôÈä ð
intestines, bowels îÀòÄé æ (ø' îÅòÇéÄí)
colon îÀòÄé âÌÇñ
small intestine îÀòÄé ãÌÇ÷
slipping, stumbling îÀòÄéãÈä ð
coat, cloak, mantle îÀòÄéì æ
raincoat îÀòÄéì-âÌÆùÑÆí
embezzlement, fraud îÀòÄéìÈä ð
spring, source îÇòÀéÈï (îòééï) æ
rhombus îÀòËéÌÈï (îòåéï) æ
like, resembling, quasi- îÅòÅéï
oppressive, burdensome îÅòÄé÷ ú
to squeeze, press îÈòÇêÀ ôò [î.ò.ê., òî' 275] {øàä âí: ðÄîÀòÇêÀ}
to embezzle, misappropriate îÈòÇì ôò [î.ò.ì., òî' 276]
1. degree, grade
2. advantage
3. stair-step
îÇòÂìÈä ð
upward, high up îÇòÀìÈä
upwards, aloft, beyond ìÀîÇòÀìÈä
distinguished, prominent îÀòËìÌÆä (îòåìä) ú
elevator îÇòÂìÄéú ð
1. status, rank, position
2. socio-economic stratum
îÇòÂîÈã æ (ø' îÇòÂîÈãåÉú)
historical ceremony îÇòÂîÈã äÄéñÀèåÉøÄé
class warfare îÄìÀçÆîÆú-îÇòÂîÈãåÉú
in the presence of... áÌÀîÇòÂîÈã ùÑÆì...
to endure, stand firm ìÀäÇçÂæÄé÷ îÇòÂîÈã
candidate, nominee, applicant îËòÀîÈã (îåòîã) æ
candidacy îËòÀîÈãåÌú (îåòîãåú) ð
standing, basing, supporting îÇòÂîÄéã ú
pretending, pretender îÇòÂîÄéã-ôÌÈðÄéí
load, burden îÇòÂîÈñ æ
address îÇòÇï æ
for the sake of... ìÀîÇòÇï
answer, reply îÇòÂðÆä æ
without answer áÌÀìÄé îÇòÂðÆä
tortured, afflicted îÀòËðÌÆä (îòåðä) ú
interesting îÀòÇðÀéÅï (îòðééï) ú
interested îÀòËðÀéÈï (îòåðééï) ú
to whom it may concern ìÀëÈì äÇîÌÀòËðÀéÈï
cloudy îÀòËðÌÈï (îòåðï) ú
grant, allowance îÇòÂðÈ÷ æ
employer îÇòÂñÄé÷ æ
employed îËòÀñÈ÷ ú
1. daring, brave
2. "illegal" immigrant to Israel in Mandatory Palestine
îÇòÀôÌÄéì æ