heart μΕαΘα ζ (ψ' μΐαΘαεΙϊ)
hearty, cordial μΐαΘαΔι ϊ
cordiality μΐαΘαΔιΜεΜϊ π
alone, only μΐαΗγ
by myself, by yourself... μΐαΗγΜΔι, μΐαΗγΜΐκΘ...
only, solely αΜΔμΐαΗγ
1. in addition to...
2. apart from, except for...
felt (material) μΖαΖγ ζ
veneered, laminated μΘαεΜγ ϊ
1. kindling
2. fanning the flames
μΔαΜεΜι (μιαει) ζ
incitement μΔαΜεΜι-ιΐφΘψΔιν
1. whitening, bleaching
2. clarification, elucidation
μΔαΜεΜο (μιαεο) ζ
attire, garb, garment μΐαεΜωΡ ζ
dressed, clothed, attired μΘαεΜωΡ ϊ
lion (masc. & fem.) μΘαΔιΰ ζ (μΐαΔιΰΘδ π)
white μΘαΘο ϊ
white flag (of surrender) γΜΖβΖμ μΘαΘο
the White House δΗαΜΗιΔϊ δΗμΜΘαΘο
polar bear δΗγΜΙα δΗμΜΘαΘο
white collar worker αΜΗςΒμΕι φΗεΘΰψεΙο μΘαΘο
1. underwear
2. linen
black on white, clear, indisputable ωΡΘηΙψ ςΗμ-βΜΗαΜΕι μΘαΘο
1. to whiten, bleach
2. to make white-hot, incandescent
3. to clarify, elucidate
μΔαΜΕο (μιαο) τι [μ.α.ο., ςξ' 245]]
1. was whitened, bleached
2. was made white-hot
3. was clarified, elucidated
μΛαΜΗο (μεαο) τε [μ.α.ο., ςξ' 245]] {ψΰδ βν: δΔμΐαΜΔιο, δΔϊΐμΗαΜΕο}
1. whiteness
2. the white of the eye
μΙαΖο (μεαο) ζ
sour milk, yogurt μΖαΜΖο ζ
moon μΐαΘπΘδ π
brick μΐαΕπΘδ π (ψ' μΐαΕπΔιν)
birch tree μΔαΐπΖδ ζ (ψ' μΔαΐπΔιν)
Lebanon μΐαΘπεΙο π
to wear, dress, put on μΘαΗωΡ τς [μ.α.ω., ςξ' 246] {ψΰδ βν: δΔμΐαΜΔιωΡ, δΛμΐαΜΗωΡ; δΔϊΐμΗαΜΕωΡ}
concerning, regarding μΐβΗαΜΕι
swallow, sip, mouthful μΐβΔιξΘδ π
to scorn, sneer, mock μΔβΐμΕβ τι [μ.β.μ.β., ςξ' 246]
derision, mockery μΔβΐμεΜβ ζ
legal, lawful μΖβΘμΔι ϊ