1. the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet 2. thirty 3. the thirtieth |
ì' (ìÈîÆã) |
to, into, towards | ìÀ- |
no, not | ìÉà |
definitely not, by no means | ìÉà åÈìÉà! |
absolutely not | ìÉà áÌÀàÈìÆó øÇáÌÈúÄé. |
Otherwise, and if not... | åÈìÉà... |
without | ìÀìÉà, áÌÀìÉà |
nothing, nothing at all | ìÉà-ëÀìåÌí |
weary, fatigued, exhausted | ìÅàÆä ú |
not, prohibition | ìÈàå |
not necessarily | ìÈàå ãÌÇåÀ÷Èà |
regardless, in any case | áÌÀìÈàå äÈëÅé |
weariness, fatigue, exhaustion | ìÅàåÌú ð |
slowly | ìÀàÇè |
slowly, gently | ìÀàÇè-ìÀàÇè |
on the spot, immediately | ìÀàÇìÀúÌÇø |
nation, people, folk | ìÀàÉí (ìàåí) æ |
the League of Nations | çÆáÆø-äÇìÌÀàËîÌÄéí |
national | ìÀàËîÌÄé (ìàåîé) ú |
international | áÌÅéðÀìÀàËîÌÄé |
Bank Leumi | áÌÇðÀ÷ ìÀàËîÌÄé |
1. nationalism 2. nationality |
ìÀàËîÌÄéÌåÌú (ìàåîéåú) ð |
chauvinism | ìÀàËîÌÈðåÌú (ìàåîðåú) ð |
chauvinistic | ìÀàËîÌÈðÄé (ìàåîðé) ú |
that is to say... | ìÅàîÉø (ìàîåø)... |
to where, whither? | ìÀàÈï? |
1. heart 2. core, center |
ìÅá æ (ø' ìÀáÈáåÉú) |
heart of gold | ìÅá-æÈäÈá |
pure heart | ìÅá èÈäåÉø |
(in) the high seas | ìÆá-éÈí, áÌÀìÆá-éÈí |
broken heart | ìÅá ðÄùÑÀáÌÈø |
generous, kind | ìÅá øÈçÈá |
in his heart, heart of hearts | áÌÇìÌÅá, áÌÀìÅá-ìÄáÌåÉ |
with a heavy heart | áÌÀìÅá ëÌÈáÅã |
wholeheartedly | áÌÀìÅá ùÑÈìÅí |
sincerely | áèåÌá-ìÅá |
heart-ache | ëÌÀàÅá-ìÅá |
with mutual good will | îÄìÌÅá àÆì ìÅá |
from the depths of one's heart | îÅòÉîÆ÷-ìÅá, îÄ÷ÌÆøÆá-ìÅá |
aspiration | îÄùÑÀàÆìÆú-ìÅá |
to reveal what is in one's heart | ìÀâÇìÌåÉú àÆú äÇìÅá |
to win over | ìÄîÀùÑÉêÀ àÆú äÇìÌÅá |
to break one's heart | ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇìÌÅá |
to pay attention to... | ìÈùÒÄéí ìÅá ìÀ- |
He says what he means. | ôÌÄéå åÀìÄáÌåÉ ùÑÈåÄéí. |
attention | úÌÀùÒåÌîÇú-ìÅá |