1. the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2. thirty
3. the thirtieth
ì' (ìÈîÆã)
to, into, towards ìÀ-
no, not ìÉà
definitely not, by no means ìÉà åÈìÉà!
absolutely not ìÉà áÌÀàÈìÆó øÇáÌÈúÄé.
Otherwise, and if not... åÈìÉà...
without ìÀìÉà, áÌÀìÉà
nothing, nothing at all ìÉà-ëÀìåÌí
weary, fatigued, exhausted ìÅàÆä ú
not, prohibition ìÈàå
not necessarily ìÈàå ãÌÇåÀ÷Èà
regardless, in any case áÌÀìÈàå äÈëÅé
weariness, fatigue, exhaustion ìÅàåÌú ð
slowly ìÀàÇè
slowly, gently ìÀàÇè-ìÀàÇè
on the spot, immediately ìÀàÇìÀúÌÇø
nation, people, folk ìÀàÉí (ìàåí) æ
the League of Nations çÆáÆø-äÇìÌÀàËîÌÄéí
national ìÀàËîÌÄé (ìàåîé) ú
international áÌÅéðÀìÀàËîÌÄé
Bank Leumi áÌÇðÀ÷ ìÀàËîÌÄé
1. nationalism
2. nationality
ìÀàËîÌÄéÌåÌú (ìàåîéåú) ð
chauvinism ìÀàËîÌÈðåÌú (ìàåîðåú) ð
chauvinistic ìÀàËîÌÈðÄé (ìàåîðé) ú
that is to say... ìÅàîÉø (ìàîåø)...
to where, whither? ìÀàÈï?
1. heart
2. core, center
ìÅá æ (ø' ìÀáÈáåÉú)
heart of gold ìÅá-æÈäÈá
pure heart ìÅá èÈäåÉø
(in) the high seas ìÆá-éÈí, áÌÀìÆá-éÈí
broken heart ìÅá ðÄùÑÀáÌÈø
generous, kind ìÅá øÈçÈá
in his heart, heart of hearts áÌÇìÌÅá, áÌÀìÅá-ìÄáÌåÉ
with a heavy heart áÌÀìÅá ëÌÈáÅã
wholeheartedly áÌÀìÅá ùÑÈìÅí
sincerely áèåÌá-ìÅá
heart-ache ëÌÀàÅá-ìÅá
with mutual good will îÄìÌÅá àÆì ìÅá
from the depths of one's heart îÅòÉîÆ÷-ìÅá, îÄ÷ÌÆøÆá-ìÅá
aspiration îÄùÑÀàÆìÆú-ìÅá
to reveal what is in one's heart ìÀâÇìÌåÉú àÆú äÇìÅá
to win over ìÄîÀùÑÉêÀ àÆú äÇìÌÅá
to break one's heart ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇìÌÅá
to pay attention to... ìÈùÒÄéí ìÅá ìÀ-
He says what he means. ôÌÄéå åÀìÄáÌåÉ ùÑÈåÄéí.
attention úÌÀùÒåÌîÇú-ìÅá