1. the nineteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2. one hundred
3. the one hundredth
χ' (χεΜσ)
1. crutch
2. stilt
χΗα ζ
stomach χΕαΘδ (χιαδ) π
on an empty stomach ςΗμ χΕαΘδ ψΕιχΘδ
capacity, volume χΔαΜεΜμ (χιαεμ) ζ
set, fixed, regular χΘαεΜςΗ ϊ
He is a tenured employee. δΔιΰ ςεΙαΖγΖϊ χΐαεΜςΘδ.
1. gathering, ingathering
2. Israeli communal settlement
χΔαΜεΜυ (χιαευ) ζ
ingathering of the exiles χΔαΜεΜυ βΜΘμΛιΜεΙϊ
group, team χΐαεΜφΘδ π
collective, communal χΔαΜεΜφΔι ϊ
buried χΘαεΜψ ϊ
burial, burial place χΐαεΜψΘδ π
cube, dice χΛαΜΔιΜΘδ (χεαιιδ) π
fixing, determining χΐαΔιςΘδ π
establishing facts χΐαΔιςΗϊ-ςΛαΐγΜεΙϊ
permanence, constancy χΐαΔιςεΜϊ π
regularly, steadily αΜΔχΐαΔιςεΜϊ
to receive, accept χΔαΜΕμ (χιαμ) τι [χ.α.μ., ςξ' 472] {ψΰδ βν: δΔϊΐχΗαΜΕμ, πΔϊΐχΗαΜΕμ}
to receive guests μΐχΗαΜΕμ ΰεΙψΐηΔιν
to accept a decision μΐχΗαΜΕμ ΰΖϊ δΗγΜΔιο
He took responsibility. δεΜΰ χΔαΜΕμ ΰΖϊ δΗγΜΘαΘψ ςΗμ ςΔφΐξεΙ.
electrical capacitor χΗαΜΘμ ζ
1. reception, receiving
2. receipt
3. Kabbala, Jewish mystical tradition
χΗαΜΘμΘδ π
reception (guests) χΗαΜΘμΗϊ-τΜΘπΔιν
service for bringing in the Shabbat χΗαΜΘμΗϊ-ωΡΗαΜΘϊ
receptionist τΜΐχΔιγ-χΗαΜΘμΘδ
contractor χΗαΜΐμΘο ζ
complaint, protest χΛαΐμΘπΘδ, χεΜαΐμΘπΘδ π
work of a contractor χΗαΜΐμΘπεΜϊ π
volume, capacity χΔαΜΙμΖϊ (χιαεμϊ) π
to fix, determine, set χΘαΗς τς [χ.α.ς., ςξ' 474] {ψΰδ βν: πΔχΐαΜΗς}
to determine finally μΔχΐαΜΙςΗ ξΗρΐξΐψεΙϊ αΜΐγΘαΘψ
permanence, finality χΖαΗς ζ
permanent residence γΜΔιψΗϊ-χΖαΗς
regular army ωΡΕψεΜϊ-χΖαΗς, φΐαΘΰ-δΗχΜΖαΗς
to collect, gather, assemble χΔαΜΕυ (χιαυ) τι [χ.α.υ., ςξ' 474]
was gathered, collected χΛαΜΗυ (χεαυ) τε [χ.α.υ., ςξ' 474] {ψΰδ βν: δΔϊΐχΗαΜΕυ}
1. collection
2. file
χΙαΖυ (χεαυ) ζ
beggar, pauper χΗαΜΐφΘο ζ
begging, asking for alms χΗαΜΐφΘπεΜϊ π