as, like λΜΐξεΙ
also, likewise λΜΐξεΙ-λΕο
like me (you, etc.) λΜΘξεΙπΔι, λΜΘξεΙκΘ...
apparently, as is understood λΜΗξΜεΜαΘο
hidden, secret, latent λΜΘξεΜρ ϊ
deep secret ρεΙγ λΜΘξεΜρ
capsule λΜΐξεΜρΘδ π
clergy, priesthood λΜΐξεΜψΘδ π
quantity, amount λΜΗξΜεΜϊ π
qualitative λΜΗξΜεΜϊΔι ϊ
almost, nearly λΜΔξΐςΗθ
priest, vicar, parson λΜΙξΖψ (λεξψ) ζ
beret λΜΛξΐϊΜΘδ (λεξϊδ) π
yes λΜΕο
afterwards, later on ΰΗηΒψΕι-λΕο
unless, provided ΰΖμΜΘΰ ΰΔν λΜΕο
despite this ΰΗσ-ςΗμ-τΜΔι-λΕο
et cetera εΐλΕο δΘμΐΰΘδ
more than this ιΘϊΕψ ξΔλΜΕο
also this, besides λΜΐξεΙ-λΕο
therefore μΘλΕο
this being the case... ςΗμ-λΜΕο
less than this τΜΘηεΙϊ ξΔλΜΕο
honest, sincere λΜΕο ϊ
base, stand, pedestal λΜΗο ζ
to reinstate, restore μΐδΘωΡΔια ςΗμ λΜΗπΜεΙ
louse λΜΔπΜΘδ (λιπδ) π (ψ' λΜΔπΜΔιν)
to name, give a name, designate λΜΔπΜΘδ (λιπδ) τι [λ.π.ι.\λ.π.δ., ςξ' 231]
was named, designated λΜΛπΜΘδ (λεπδ) τε [ξΐλΛπΜΖδ; ιΐλΛπΜΖδ]
nickname λΜΔπΜεΜι (λιπει) ζ
pronouns λΜΔπΜεΜιΕι-δΗωΜΡΕν
1. meeting, convention gathering, assembling λΜΔπΜεΜρ (λιπερ) ζ
band, gang λΜΐπεΜτΐιΘδ π
violin λΜΔπΜεΙψ (λιπεψ) ζ
first violin (also figur.) λΜΔπΜεΙψ ψΔΰωΡεΙο
second violin (also figur.) λΜΔπΜεΙψ ωΡΕπΔι
honesty, candidness λΜΕπεΜϊ π
vermin, pest λΜΐπΔιξΘδ π