square, plaza λΜΔλΜΘψ (λιλψ) π (ψ' λΜΔλΜΘψεΙϊ)
loaf λΜΔλΜΘψ (λιλψ) ζ (ψ' λΜΔλΜΘψΔιν, λΜΔλΜΘψεΙϊ)
a loaf of bread λΜΔλΜΔψ-μΖηΖν
all, every, whole λΜΙμ (λεμ), λΜΘμ-
each one of... λΜΘμ ΰΖηΘγ, λΜΘμ ΰΗηΗϊ
general store λΜΘμ-αΜεΙ
as long as... λΜΘμ ζΐξΗο ωΡΖ-
despite, for all that... λΜΘμ λΜΗξΜΘδ ωΡΖ
as long as... λΜΘμ ςεΙγ
entirely, altogether λΜΘμ-ςΔχΜΘψ
anyone, anything λΜΘμΐωΡΖδεΜ, λΜΘμΐωΡΖδΔι
at any price αΜΐλΘμ ξΐηΔιψ
at the least μΐλΘμ δΗτΜΘηεΙϊ
at the most μΐλΘμ δΗιΜεΙϊΕψ
entirely ξΔλΜΙμ εΘλΙμ
anyway, in any case... ξΔλΜΘμ-ξΘχεΙν, ςΗμ-λΜΘμ-τΜΘπΔιν
altogether, sum-total ρΗκΐ-δΗλΜΙμ
prison, jail λΜΖμΖΰ ζ, αΜΕιϊ-λΜΖμΖΰ
to imprison, detain λΜΘμΘΰ τς [λ.μ.ΰ., ςξ' 228] {ψΰδ βν: πΔλΐμΘΰ}
hybrid, diversity, mixing λΜΔμΐΰΗιΔν ζ"ψ
dog λΜΖμΖα ζ (λΜΗμΐαΜΘδ π)
seal λΜΖμΖα-ιΘν
otter λΜΖμΖα-πΘδΘψ
a dog's life ηΗιΜΕι-λΜΖμΖα
very cold χΙψ-λΜΐμΘαΔιν
puppy λΜΐμΗαΐμΘα ζ
rabies λΜΗμΜΖαΖϊ π
1. to be completed, end
2. to perish, be destroyed
λΜΘμΘδ τς [λ.μ.ι.\λ.μ.δ., ςξ' 229]
all hopes vanished λΜΘμεΜ λΜΘμ δΗχΜΔφΜΔιο
beginning with...ending with... δΘηΕμ ...εΐλΗμΜΕδ...
1. to finish
2. to destroy
λΜΔμΜΘδ (λιμδ) τι [λ.μ.ι.\λ.μ.δ., ςξ' 229] {ψΰδ βν: δΔϊΐλΜΗμΜΘδ}
1. bride
2. daughter-in-law
λΜΗμΜΘδ π
et cetera, and so on λΜΛμΜΕδΜ, εΐλΛμΜΕιδΜ (ελε')
cage λΜΐμεΜα ζ
included λΜΘμεΜμ ϊ
1. nothing
2. something, anything
λΜΐμεΜν ζ
absolutely nothing μΙΰ-λΐμεΜν, εΐμΙΰ-λΐμεΜν
without difficulty λΜΐξεΙ λΜΐμεΜν
He said nothing of value. μΙΰ ΰΘξΗψ λΜΐμεΜν.
Better something than nothing. θεΙα λΜΐμεΜν ξΔμΜΙΰ-λΐμεΜν.
that is to say, to wit λΜΐμεΙξΗψ
post, pole λΜΐμεΙπΘρ ζ