sect | ëÌÇú ð (ø' ëÌÄúÌåÉú) |
to write | ëÌÈúÇá ôò [ë.ú.á., òî' 242] {øàä âí: ðÄëÀúÌÇá, äÄëÀúÌÄéá, äËëÀúÌÇá, äÄúÀëÌÇúÌÅá} |
correspondent | ëÌÇúÌÈá æ |
1. writing, handwriting 2. writ, script |
ëÌÀúÈá æ |
credentials | ëÌÀúÇá-àÂîÈðÈä |
indictment | ëÌÀúÇá-àÄùÌÑåÌí |
Hebrew alphabet | ëÌÀúÈá òÄáÀøÄé |
1. handwriting 2. manuscript |
ëÌÀúÇá-éÈã |
letter of appointment | ëÌÀúÇá-îÄðÌåÌé |
hieroglyphics | ëÌÀúÇá-çÇøÀèËîÌÄéí |
Morse code | ëÌÀúÇá-îåÉøÀñ |
periodical, journal | ëÌÀúÇá-òÅú |
the Bible, scripture | ëÌÄúÀáÅé-äÇ÷ÌÉãÆùÑ |
in writing | áÌÄëÀúÈá |
the Torah | úÌåÉøÈä ùÑÆáÌÄëÀúÈá |
according to the letter and the spirit of... | ëÌÄëÀúÈáåÉ åÀëÄìÀùÑåÉðåÉ |
to put into writing | ìÇòÂìåÉú òÇì äÇëÌÀúÈá |
report, reportage | ëÌÇúÌÈáÈä ð |
Ketubah - marriage contract | ëÌÀúËáÌÈä (ëúåáä) ð |
typing | ëÌÇúÀáÈðåÌú ð |
typist (fem.) | ëÌÇúÀáÈðÄéú ð |
1. address 2. inscription |
ëÌÀúÉáÆú (ëúåáú) ð |
tattoo | ëÌÀúÉáÆú-÷ÇòÂ÷Çò |
1. school class 2. classroom 3. platoon |
ëÌÄúÌÈä (ëéúä) ð |
written | ëÌÈúåÌá ú |
Hagiographa - part of the Tanach | ëÌÀúåÌáÄéí |
spelling, writing | ëÌÀúÄéá æ |
writing (the process) | ëÌÀúÄéáÈä ð |
fine penmanship | ëÌÀúÄéáÈä úÌÇîÌÈä |
typewriter | îÀëåÉðÇú-ëÌÀúÄéáÈä |
writing utensils | îÇëÀùÑÄéøÅé-ëÌÀúÄéáÈä |
wall | ëÌÉúÆì (ëåúì) æ |
the Western Wall | äÇëÌÉúÆì äÇîÌÇòÂøÈáÄé |
to stand with one's back to the wall | ìÇòÂîÉã áÌÀâÇáÌåÉ àÆì äÇëÌÉúÆì |
1. stain, blot 2. defect, imperfection |
ëÌÆúÆí æ |
orange (color) | ëÌÈúÉí (ëúåí) ú |
cotton | ëÌËúÀðÈä (ëåúðä) ð |
shirt, tunic | ëÌËúÉðÆú (ëåúåðú) ð |
nightshirt | ëÌËúÌÉðÆú-ìÇéÀìÈä |
shoulder | ëÌÈúÅó ð (ø' ëÌÀúÅôÇéÄí) |
give me a hand (shoulder) | úÌÅï ëÌÈúÅó! |
to shrug one's shoulders | ìÄîÀùÑÉêÀ áÌÇëÀúÅôÇéÄí |
1. crown 2. crown of a tooth |
ëÌÆúÆø æ |
1. to crown 2. to besiege, encircle |
ëÌÄúÌÅø (ëéúø) ôé [ë.ú.ø., òî' 243] |
1. was crowned 2. was besieged |
ëÌËúÌÇø (ëåúø) ôå [îÀëËúÌÈø; éÀëËúÌÇø] {øàä âí: äÄëÀúÌÄéø, äËëÀúÌÇø} |
to pound, crush, grind | ëÌÈúÇùÑ ôò [ë.ú.ù., òî' 243] {øàä âí: ðÄëÀúÌÇùÑ, äÄúÀëÌÇúÌÅùÑ} |
factional, sectarian | ëÌÄúÌÈúÄé (ëéúúé) ú |
factionalism | ëÌÄúÌÈúÄéÌåÌú (ëéúúéåú) ð |