1. the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet
2. twenty
3. twentieth
λΜ' (λΜΘσ, λΘσ)
1. as, like
2. approximately
pain, ache λΜΐΰΕα ζ
headache λΜΐΰΕα-ψΙΰωΡ
to hurt, ache λΜΘΰΗα τς [λ.ΰ.α., ςξ' 221] {ψΰδ βν: δΔλΐΰΔια}
painful λΜΘΰεΜα ϊ
painful problem αΜΐςΘιΘδ λΜΐΰεΜαΘδ
here λΜΘΰο
1. here and there
2. in both cases
μΐλΘΰο εΜμΐλΘΰο
from here on, from now on ξΔλΜΘΰο εΐΰΕιμΘκΐ, ξΔλΜΘΰο εΜμΐδΗμΜΘο
up to now ςΗγ λΜΘΰο
fire-extinguishing λΜΗαΜΘΰεΜϊ π
fireman λΜΗαΜΗΰι ζ
1. heavy
2. burdensome, serious, difficult
λΜΘαΕγ ϊ
having difficulty with speech, expression λΜΐαΗγ-τΜΖδ, λΜΐαΗγ-μΘωΡεΙο
with a heavy heart αΜΐμΕα λΜΘαΕγ
from the easy to the difficult ξΔο δΗχΜΗμ ΰΖμ δΗλΜΘαΕγ
heavy weapon πΖωΡΖχ λΜΘαΕγ
1. heaviness
2. seriousness, gravity
λΜΙαΖγ (λεαγ) ζ
center of gravity ξΖψΐλΜΗζ-δΗλΜΙαΖγ
to weight seriously μΘγεΜο αΜΐλΙαΖγ-ψΙΰωΡ
liver λΜΘαΕγ ζ
1. to honor, respect
2. to serve refreshments
λΜΔαΜΕγ (λιαγ) τι [λ.α.γ., ςξ' 221]
1. was honored, respected
2. was served refreshments
λΜΛαΜΗγ (λεαγ) τε [λ.α.γ., ςξ' 221] {ψΰδ βν: δΔλΐαΜΔιγ, δΛλΐαΜΗγ, δΔϊΐλΜΗαΜΕγ}
to burn off, burn out λΜΘαΘδ τς [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222]
to extinguish, put out λΜΔαΜΘδ (λιαδ) τι [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222]
was extinguished, put out λΜΛαΜΘδ (λεαδ) τε [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222]
honor, respect λΜΘαεΙγ ζ
self-respect λΜΘαεΙγ ςΗφΐξΔι
More power to you! λΜΘμ δΗλΜΘαεΙγ!
in honor of... μΔλΐαεΙγ...
with great respect αΜΐλΘαεΙγ ψΗα...
he himself, in person αΜΔλΐαεΙγεΙ εΜαΐςΗφΐξεΙ
to pay respect, honor μΗηΒμΙχ λΜΘαεΙγ μΐ...
with all due respect... [but] λΜΐαεΙγεΙ αΜΔξΐχεΙξεΙ ξΛπΜΘη, ΰΒαΘμ...
with all due deference to... ςΔν λΜΘμ δΗλΜΘαεΙγ...
A person's wish should be respected. ψΐφεΙπεΙ ωΡΖμ ΰΘγΘν λΜΐαεΙγεΙ.
1. honoring, respect
2. treat, refreshments
λΜΔαΜεΜγ (λιαεγ) ζ
extinguishing λΜΔαΜεΜι (λιαει) ζ
fettered, chained, bound λΜΘαεΜμ ϊ