1. the eleventh letter of the Hebrew alphabet 2. twenty 3. twentieth |
λΜ' (λΜΘσ, λΘσ) |
1. as, like 2. approximately |
λΜΐ- |
pain, ache | λΜΐΰΕα ζ |
headache | λΜΐΰΕα-ψΙΰωΡ |
to hurt, ache | λΜΘΰΗα τς [λ.ΰ.α., ςξ' 221] {ψΰδ βν: δΔλΐΰΔια} |
painful | λΜΘΰεΜα ϊ |
painful problem | αΜΐςΘιΘδ λΜΐΰεΜαΘδ |
here | λΜΘΰο |
1. here and there 2. in both cases |
μΐλΘΰο εΜμΐλΘΰο |
from here on, from now on | ξΔλΜΘΰο εΐΰΕιμΘκΐ, ξΔλΜΘΰο εΜμΐδΗμΜΘο |
up to now | ςΗγ λΜΘΰο |
fire-extinguishing | λΜΗαΜΘΰεΜϊ π |
fireman | λΜΗαΜΗΰι ζ |
1. heavy 2. burdensome, serious, difficult |
λΜΘαΕγ ϊ |
having difficulty with speech, expression | λΜΐαΗγ-τΜΖδ, λΜΐαΗγ-μΘωΡεΙο |
with a heavy heart | αΜΐμΕα λΜΘαΕγ |
from the easy to the difficult | ξΔο δΗχΜΗμ ΰΖμ δΗλΜΘαΕγ |
heavy weapon | πΖωΡΖχ λΜΘαΕγ |
1. heaviness 2. seriousness, gravity |
λΜΙαΖγ (λεαγ) ζ |
center of gravity | ξΖψΐλΜΗζ-δΗλΜΙαΖγ |
to weight seriously | μΘγεΜο αΜΐλΙαΖγ-ψΙΰωΡ |
liver | λΜΘαΕγ ζ |
1. to honor, respect 2. to serve refreshments |
λΜΔαΜΕγ (λιαγ) τι [λ.α.γ., ςξ' 221] |
1. was honored, respected 2. was served refreshments |
λΜΛαΜΗγ (λεαγ) τε [λ.α.γ., ςξ' 221] {ψΰδ βν: δΔλΐαΜΔιγ, δΛλΐαΜΗγ, δΔϊΐλΜΗαΜΕγ} |
to burn off, burn out | λΜΘαΘδ τς [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222] |
to extinguish, put out | λΜΔαΜΘδ (λιαδ) τι [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222] |
was extinguished, put out | λΜΛαΜΘδ (λεαδ) τε [λ.α.ι.\λ.α.δ., ςξ' 222] |
honor, respect | λΜΘαεΙγ ζ |
self-respect | λΜΘαεΙγ ςΗφΐξΔι |
More power to you! | λΜΘμ δΗλΜΘαεΙγ! |
in honor of... | μΔλΐαεΙγ... |
with great respect | αΜΐλΘαεΙγ ψΗα... |
he himself, in person | αΜΔλΐαεΙγεΙ εΜαΐςΗφΐξεΙ |
to pay respect, honor | μΗηΒμΙχ λΜΘαεΙγ μΐ... |
with all due respect... [but] | λΜΐαεΙγεΙ αΜΔξΐχεΙξεΙ ξΛπΜΘη, ΰΒαΘμ... |
with all due deference to... | ςΔν λΜΘμ δΗλΜΘαεΙγ... |
A person's wish should be respected. | ψΐφεΙπεΙ ωΡΖμ ΰΘγΘν λΜΐαεΙγεΙ. |
1. honoring, respect 2. treat, refreshments |
λΜΔαΜεΜγ (λιαεγ) ζ |
extinguishing | λΜΔαΜεΜι (λιαει) ζ |
fettered, chained, bound | λΜΘαεΜμ ϊ |