to shoot, fire ιΘψΘδ τς [ι.ψ.ι.\ι.ψ.δ., ςξ' 216] {ψΰδ βν: πεΙψΘδ}
lowly, of little value, inferior ιΘψεΜγ ϊ
Jerusalem ιΐψεΜωΡΘμΗιΔν π
moon ιΘψΕηΗ ζ
eclipse of the moon μΔχΜεΜι-ιΘψΕηΗ
month ιΖψΗη ζ
honeymoon ιΖψΗη-γΜΐαΗωΡ
one-month course of study ιΖψΗη-μΔξΜεΜγΔιν
monthly publication ιΗψΐηεΙο ζ
shot, shooting ιΐψΔι ζ
opponent, rival ιΘψΔια ζ
rivalry, competition ιΐψΔιαεΜϊ π
fair, market ιΐψΔιγ ζ
book fair ιΐψΔιγ-ρΐτΘψΔιν
1. going down
2. decrease, degeneration
3. emigration from Israel
ιΐψΔιγΘδ π
shooting, shot ιΐψΔιΜΘδ (ιψιιδ) π
band, sheet of parchment or material ιΐψΔιςΘδ π
spitting, expectoration ιΐψΔιχΘδ π
hip, thigh ιΘψΕκΐ π (ψ' ιΐψΕλΗιΔν)
to smite hip and thigh μΐδΗλΜεΙϊ ωΡεΙχ ςΗμ ιΘψΕκΐ
to spit, expectorate ιΘψΗχ τς [ι.ψ.χ., ςξ' 217]
green ιΘψΙχ (ιψεχ) ϊ
greenery, vegetation ιΖψΖχ ζ
vegetable(s) ιΘψΘχ ζ (ψ' ιΐψΘχεΙϊ)
vegetable garden βΜΗο-ιΐψΘχεΙϊ
odds and ends, bits and pieces ωΡΐΰΘψ-ιΐψΘχεΙϊ
to inherit, succeed ιΘψΗωΡ τς [ι.ψ.ω., ςξ' 217] {ψΰδ βν: δεΙψΔιωΡ}
inheritance, succession ιΐψΛωΜΡΘδ (ιψεωδ) π
there is, there are ιΕωΡ ζ
there is more than enough ιΕωΡ εΘιΕωΡ
they say... ιΕωΡ ΰεΙξΐψΔιν
He intends, is going to... ιΕωΡ αΜΐγΗςΐϊΜεΙ μΐ-
He intends, wants to... ιΕωΡ αΜΔψΐφεΙπεΙ μΐ-
What's up? ξΗδ ιΕωΡ?
What's going on with you? ξΗδ ιΕωΡ μΐκΘ (μΘκΐ)?