creator, maker ιεΙφΕψ ϊε"ζ
patent rights, copyright ζΐλεΜϊ-ιεΙφΐψΔιν
creative ιεΙφΐψΘπΔι ϊ
emigrant from Israel ιεΙψΕγ ϊε"ζ
first rain ιεΙψΖδ ζ
heir ιεΙψΕωΡ ζ
crown prince, heir to the throne ιεΙψΕωΡ-ςΖφΖψ, ιεΙψΕωΡ-λΖϊΖψ
1. sitting
2. inhabitant, resident
ιεΙωΡΕα ϊε"ζ
chairman ιεΙωΡΕα-ψΙΰωΡ (ιεΙ"ψ)
more ιεΙϊΕψ
more than... ιεΙϊΕψ ξΔο...
the most αΜΐιεΙϊΕψ
too much ιεΙϊΕψ ξΔγΜΗι
at most μΐλΘμ δΗιΜεΙϊΕψ
more or less τΜΘηεΙϊ ΰεΙ ιεΙϊΕψ
No more and no less. μΙΰ τΜΘηεΙϊ εΐμΙΰ ιεΙϊΕψ.
initiated, premeditated ιΘζεΜν ϊ
to initiate, launch ιΘζΗν τς [ι.ζ.ν., ςξ' 201]
initiative, resourcefulness ιΘζΐξΘδ π
enterprising person αΜΗςΗμ-ιΘζΐξΘδ
together ιΗηΗγ, αΜΐιΗηΗγ, ιΗηΐγΜΘε
to set apart, single out ιΔηΕγ (ιιηγ) τι [ι.η.γ., ςξ' 201]
was set apart, singled out ιΛηΗγ (ιεηγ) τε [ι.η.γ., ςξ' 201] {ψΰδ βν: δΔϊΐιΗηΕγ}
1. setting aside
2. uniqueness
ιΔηεΜγ (ιιηεγ) ζ
especially, particularly αΜΐιΔηεΜγ
singular, unique, exclusive ιΔηεΜγΔι (ιιηεγι) ϊ
1. relation, connection
2. lineage
3. distinguished birth
ιΔηεΜρ (ιιηερ) ζ
Long live... ιΐηΔι!
1. single, singular
2. alone
ιΘηΔιγ ϊε"ζ
one of a kind ιΘηΔιγ αΜΗξΜΔιπεΙ
elect, distinguished, chosen ιΐηΔιγΕι-ρΐβΛμΜδ
private property ψΐωΡεΜϊ-δΗιΜΘηΔιγ
1. unit (math.)
2. military unit
ιΐηΔιγΘδ ϊε"π
alone, by oneself ιΐηΔιγΔι ϊ
1. relationship, connection
2. treatment
3. ration, proportion (math.)
ιΗηΗρ ζ
mutual relationships ιΗηΒρΕι-βΜεΙξΐμΔιο
sexual relations ιΗηΒρΕι-ξΔιο
public relations ιΗηΒρΕι-φΔαΜεΜψ
in direct proportion αΜΐιΗηΗρ ιΘωΡΘψ
in inverse proportion αΜΐιΗηΗρ δΘτεΜκΐ