to promise the moon and the stars ìÀäÇáÀèÄéçÇ äÈøÄéí åÌâÀáÈòåÉú äÇø
to bring very strong pressure on someone äÇø áÌÀäÇø ìÉà ôÌÈâÇò, àÈãÈí áÌÀàÈãÈí ôÌÈâÇò
all that fuss for nothing äÈäÈø äåÉìÄéã òÇëÀáÌÈø
say little and do much àÁîÉø îÀòÇè åÇòÂùÒÅä äÇøÀáÌÅä äÇøÀáÌÅä
He was killed for nothing. ðÆäÁøÈâ òÇì ôÌÈçåÉú îÄùÌÑÈåÆä ôÌÀøåÌèÈä ðÆäÁøÈâ (äøâ)
habit is our second nature äÆøÀâÌÅì - èÆáÇò ùÑÅðÄé äÆøÀâÌÅì
thinking out loud äÄøÀäåÌøÄéí áÌÀ÷åÉì øÈí äÄøÀäåÌøÄéí
raising one's cup äÂøÈîÇú-ëÌåÉñÄéú äÂøÈîÈä
raising up one's head äÂøÈîÇú-øÉàùÑ
in the blink of an eye áÌÀäÆøÆó-òÇéÄï, ëÌÀäÆøÆó-òÇéÄï äÆøÆó
within one's reach áÌÀäÆùÌÒÅâ-éÈã äÆùÌÒÅâ
world view äÇùÑÀ÷ÈôÇú-òåÉìÈí äÇùÑÀ÷ÈôÈä
all beginnings are difficult ëÌÈì äÇúÀçÈìåÉú ÷ÈùÑåÉú äÇúÀçÈìÈä
the first step is half of the work äÇúÀçÈìÈä - çÂöÄé ôÌÀòËìÌÈä
a wolf in sheep's clothing æÀàÅá áÌÀòåÉø ëÌÆáÆùÒ æÀàÅá
like a hungry wolf ëÌÄæÀàÅá øÈòÅá
the wolf is sated and the lamb secure äÇæÌÀàÅá ùÒÈáÅòÆ åÀäÇëÌÄáÀùÒÈä ùÑÀìÅîÈä
He has a bee in his bonnet. ðÄëÀðÇñ ìåÉ æÀáåÌá áÌÈøÉàùÑ æÀáåÌá
He wouldn't hurt a fly. äåÌà àÅéðåÉ éÈëåÉì ìÄôÀâÌÉòÇ àÂôÄìÌåÌ áÌÄæÌÀáåÌá
That's the way it is. We have finished, so be it. æÆä äåÌà æÆä æÆä
just now, this moment æÆä òÇúÌÈä
not only this, but... ìÉà æÆå áÌÄìÀáÇã, àÆìÌÈà...
Jerusalem of gold éÀøåÌùÑÈìÇéÄí ùÑÆì æÈäÈá æÈäÈá
money talks îÇôÀúÌÅçÇ æÈäÈá ôÌåÉúÅçÇ ëÌÈì ùÑÇòÇø
very cheaply áÌÀæåÉì, áÌÀæÄéì äÇæÌåÉì æåÉì
love on one's fellow man àÇäÂáÇú-äÇæÌåÌìÇú æåÌìÇú
the early bird gets the worm ëÌÈì äÇ÷ÌåÉãÅí æåÉëÆä æÈëÈä (ìÄæÀëÌåÉú)
may you live a long life úÌÄæÀëÆä ìÀùÑÈðÄéí øÇáÌåÉú
under the magnifying glass úÌÇçÇú æÀëåÌëÄéú îÇâÀãÌÆìÆú æÀëåÌëÄéú
to acquit ìÈãåÌï ìÀëÇó æÀëåÌú æÀëåÌú
all rights reserved ëÌÈì äÇæÌÀëËéÌåÉú ùÑÀîåÌøåÉú
by right and not by a favor áÌÄæÀëåÌú åÀìÉà áÌÀçÆñÆã
may his righteous memory be for a blessing æÅëÆø öÇãÌÄé÷ ìÄáÀøÈëÈä æÅëÆø
may his/her memory be for a blessing æÄëÀøåÉðåÉ (æÄëÀøåÉðÈä) ìÄáÀøÈëÈä, æÇ"ì
may his/her memory be blessed éÄäÀéÆä æÄëÀøåÉ (úÌÄäÀéÆä æÄëÀøÈä) áÌÈøåÌêÀ
as noted above äÇðÌÄæÀëÌÈø ìÀîÇòÀìÈä, ìÀòÅ"ì
new times, new songs öÄôÌÃøÄéí çÂãÈùÑåÉú - æÀîÄéøåÉú çÂãÈùÑåÉú æÀîÄéøÈä
now is the hour æÆä äÇæÌÀîÇï... æÀîÇï
as time passed áÌÄîÀøåÌöÇú äÇæÌÀîÇï
according to the spirit of the times ìÀôÄé øåÌçÇ äÇæÌÀîÇðÌÄéí
time is the best medicine îÇä ùÑÆéÌÇòÂùÒÆä äÇæÌÀîÇï - ìÉà éÇòÂùÒÆä äÇùÌÒÅëÆì
in cash áÌÄîÀæËîÌÈï æËîÌÈï
ready and able îåÌëÈï åÌîÀæËîÌÈï
to put one's tail between one's legs ìÀ÷ÇôÌÅì àÆú äÇæÌÈðÈá æÈðÈá
by the sweat of the brow áÌÀæÅòÇú-àÇôÌÇéÄí æÅòÈä
to pour out wrath on ìÄùÑÀôÌÉêÀ àÆú äÇæÌÇòÇí òÇì æÇòÇí
the very stones cry out àÆáÆï îÄ÷ÌÄéø úÌÄæÀòÈ÷ æÈòÇ÷ (ìÄæÀòÉ÷)
proud but not boastful æÈ÷åÌó ëÌÄùÒÀòåÉøÈä åÀðÈîåÌêÀ ëÌÇòÂãÈùÑÈä æÈ÷åÌó
until a ripe old age òÇã æÄ÷ÀðÈä åÀùÒÅéáÈä æÄ÷ÀðÈä
he aged quickly ÷ÈôÀöÈä òÈìÈéå æÄ÷ÀðÈä
idol worship òÂáåÉãÈä æÈøÈä æÈø
to rub salt in the wounds ìÄæÀøåÉú îÆìÇç òÇì äÇôÌÀöÈòÄéí æÈøÈä
to welcome with open arms ìÀ÷ÇáÌÅì áÌÄæÀøåÉòåÉú ôÌÀúåÌçåÉú æÀøåÉòÇ
birds of a feather flock together ìÉà ìÀçÄðÌÈí äÈìÇêÀ æÇøÀæÄéø àÆöÆì òåÉøÅá àÆìÌÈà îÄôÌÀðÅé ùÑÆäåÌà îÄéðåÉ æÇøÀæÄéø
to swim against the stream ìÄùÒÀçåÉú ðÆâÆã äÇæÌÆøÆí æÆøÆí
to sow seeds on barren ground ìÄæÀøÉòÇ àÆì äÇ÷ÌåÉöÄéí æÈøÇò
one reaps what one sows àÄí ìÉà æÈøÇòÀúÌÈ, ìÉà úÌÄ÷ÀöÉø
to blow smoke ìÄæÀøÉ÷ çåÉì áÌÀòÅéðÅé äÇáÌÀøÄéÌåÉú æÈøÇ÷
to be in the spotlight ìÄäÀéåÉú áÌÀàåÉø äÇæÌÇøÀ÷åÉøÄéí æÇøÀ÷åÉø
last but not least àÇçÂøåÉï àÇçÂøåÉï çÈáÄéá àÇçÂøåÉï
to go from the sublime to the ridiculous ôÈúÇç áÌÀëÇã åÀñÄéÌÅí áÌÀçÈáÄéú çÈáÄéú
you can't have your cake and eat it too àéï ìùÑÀáÉø àú äÆçÈáÄéú åÌìùÑÀîÉø àÆú éÅéðÈäÌ