to gain time ìÀäÇøÀåÄéçÇ æÀîÇï äÄøÀåÄéçÇ
in good spirit áÌÀøåÌçÇ èåÉáÈä øåÌçÇ
ghost, specter øåÌçÇ-øÀôÈàÄéí
patience àÉøÆêÀ-øåÌçÇ
enthusiasm äÄúÀøåÉîÀîåÌú øåÌçÇ
mood, pulse of things äÂìÇêÀ-äÈøåÌçåÉú
a new era has come äÄúÀçÄéìåÌ îÀðÇùÌÑÀáåÉú øåÌçåÉú çÂãÈùÑåÉú
in the spirit of the matter ìÀøåÌçåÉ ùÑÆì äÈòÄðÀéÈï
to sign with relief ìÄðÀùÑÉí ìÄøÀåÈçÈä øÀåÈçÈä
to saturation ìÄøÀåÈéÈä øÀåÈéÈä
to the length and width ìÀàÈøÀëÌåÉ åÌìÀøÈçÀáÌåÉ øÉçÇá
to be far-reaching ìÀäÇøÀçÄé÷ ìÆëÆú äÄøÀçÄé÷ (øç÷)
with empty hands áÌÀéÈãÇéÄí øÅé÷åÉú øÅé÷
gently áÌÀéÈã øÇëÌÈä øÇêÀ
full to the brim îÈìÅà ëÌÈøÄîÌåÉï øÄîÌåÉï
deceptive speech ìÀùÑåÉï øÀîÄéÌÈä øÀîÄéÌÈä
to hold on to the reins of power ìÆàÁçÉæ áÌÀøÆñÆï äÇùÌÑÄìÀèåÉï øÆñÆï
to slacken the reins ìÀäÇúÌÄéø àÆú äÈøÆñÆï
the evil impulse éÅöÆø-äÈøÇò øÇò
to bite the hand that feeds you ìÀäÈùÑÄéá øÈòÈä úÌÇçÇú èåÉáÈä øÈòÈä
love your neighbor as yourself åÀàÈäÇáÀúÌÈ ìÀøÅòÂêÈ ëÌÈîåÉêÈ øÅòÈä
earthquake øÀòÄéãÇú-àÂãÈîÈä øÀòÄéãÈä
What's all the noise? îÈä äÈøÇòÇùÑ? øÇòÇùÑ
to move heaven and earth ìÀäÇøÀòÄéùÑ òåÉìÈîåÉú äÄøÀòÄéùÑ (øòù)
Get well quick! øÀôåÌàÈä ùÑÀìÅîÈä! øÀôåÌàÈä
if you will it, it is no dream àÄí úÌÄøÀöåÌ àÅéï æåÉ àÇâÌÈãÈä øÈöÈä
in good faith îÅøÈöåÉï èåÉá øÈöåÉï
He is satisfied. äåÌà ùÒÀáÇò-øÈöåÉï
satisfying îÇùÒÀáÌÄéòÇ-øÈöåÉï
gladly, with pleasure áÌÀøÈöåÉï
You got away with murder. äÂøÈöÇçÀúÌÈ åÀâÇí éÈøÇùÑÀúÌÈ øÈöÇç (ìÄøÀöÉçÇ)
in seventh heaven áÌÈøÈ÷ÄéòÇ äÇùÌÑÀáÄéòÄé øÈ÷ÄéòÇ
two conflicting authorities ùÑÀúÌÅé øÈùÑËéÌåÉú øÈùÑåÌú
with your (masc., fem.) consent áÌÄøÀùÑåÌúÀêÈ, áÌÄøÀùÑåÌúÅêÀ øÀùÑåÌú
very wicked person øÈùÑÈò îÀøËùÌÑÈò øÈùÑÈò
to descend into hell ìÈøÆãÆú ùÑÀàåÉìÈäÌ ùÑÀàåÉì
question of life and death ùÑÀàÅìÇú çÇéÌÄéí åÌîÈåÆú ùÑÀàÅìÈä
among the rest... áÌÅéï äÇùÌÑÀàÈø ùÑÀàÈø
Have a good week! ùÑÈáåÌòÇ èåÉá! ùÑÈáåÌòÇ
to praise someone highly ìÀãÇáÌÅø áÌÀùÑÄáÀçåÉ ùÑÆì ôÌÀìåÉðÄé ùÑÆáÇç
the golden mean ùÑÀáÄéì-äÇæÌÈäÈá ùÑÀáÄéì
to hunker down ëÌÀùÑÇáÌÀìåÌì áÌÀúåÉêÀ ÷ÀìÄôÌÈúåÉ ùÑÇáÌÀìåÌì
a drowning man will clutch at straws äÇèÌåÉáÅòÇ áÌÀùÑÄáÌÉìÆú ðÆàÁçÈæ áÌÀùÑÄáÌÉìÆú ùÑÄáÌÉìÆú
the sated cannot appreciate the suffering of the hungry äÇùÌÒÈáÅòÇ ìÉà éÇøÀâÌÄéùÑ áÌÀöÇòÇø äÈøÈòÅá ùÌÒÈáÅòÇ
the seven wonders of the world ùÑÄáÀòÇú ôÌÄìÀàÅé äÈòåÉìÈí ùÑÄáÀòÇ
to break one's heart ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇìÌÅá ùÑÈáÇø
to break the ice ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇ÷ÌÆøÇç
to break the record ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇùÌÒÄéà
Shabbat shalom! ùÑÇáÌÈú ùÑÈìåÉí åÌîÀáÉøÈêÀ! ùÑÇáÌÈú
This is wild, crazy! æÆä ùÑÄâÌÈòåÉï! îÀùÑÇâÌÅòÇ! ùÑÄâÌÈòåÉï
unrestrained, damaging activity îÀçåÉì-ùÑÅãÄéí ùÑÅã
God knows! äÇùÌÑÅã éåÉãÅòÇ!
spineless person àÈãÈí áÌÀìÄé çåÌè-äÇùÌÑÄãÀøÈä ùÑÄãÀøÈä
to fire back twice as hard ìÀäÈùÑÄéá îÄìÀçÈîÈä ùÑÇòÀøÈä äÅùÑÄéá (ùåá)
no use crying over spilt milk àÅéï îÀùÑÄéáÄéí ìÀàÇçÇø îÇòÂùÒÆä
the fool does not feel insults àÅéï ùÑåÉèÆä îÇøÀâÌÄéùÑ ùÑåÉèÆä
once a fool always a fool ùÑåÉèÆä àÅéï ìåÉ úÌÇ÷ÌÈðÈä
to lead astray ìÀäåÉìÄéêÀ ùÑåÉìÈì ùÑåÉìÈì
sly as fox òÈøåÌí ëÌÇùÌÑåÌòÈì ùÌÑåÌòÈì
to defeat soundly ìÀäÇëÌåÉú ùÑåÉ÷ òÇì éÈøÅêÀ ùÑåÉ÷
as it should be ëÌÇùÌÑåÌøÈä ùÑåÌÉøÈä
rank and file àÈãÈí îÄï äÇùÌÑåÌøÈä
What is the bottom line? îÈä äÇùÑåÌøÈä äÈàÇçÂøåÉðÈä ëÌÈàï?