slowly, little by little |
ìÀàÇè-ìÀàÇè |
ìÀàÇè |
slowly but surely |
äÇäåÉìÅêÀ ìÀàÄèÌåÉ éÈáåÉà áÌÀòÄúÌåÉ |
with an open heart |
áÌÀìÅá ôÌÈúåÌçÇ |
ìÅá |
with a heavy heart |
áÌÀìÅá ÷ÈøåÌòÇ |
courageously |
áÌÀàÉîÅõ-ìÅá |
heart to heart |
îÄìÌÅá àÆì ìÅá |
from the depths of one's heart |
îÅòÉîÆ÷-ìÅá, îÄ÷ÌÆøÆá-ìÅá |
heart's desire |
îÄùÑÀàÆìÆú-ìÅá |
attention (to pay attention) |
úÌÀùÒåÌîÇú-ìÅá (ìÈùÒÄéí ìÅá) |
to take to heart |
ìÈ÷ÇçÇú àÆì äÇìÌÅá |
to pull at one's heartstrings |
ìÄîÀùÑÉêÀ àÆú äÇìÌÅá |
to break one's heart |
ìÄùÑÀáÌÉø àÆú äÇìÌÅá |
alone, only |
áÌÄìÀáÇã |
ìÀáÇã |
besides, except for... |
îÄìÌÀáÇã |
birth pangs |
çÆáÀìÅé-ìÅãÈä |
ìÅãÈä |
to go up in flames |
ìÇòÂìåÉú áÌÇìÌÆäÈáåÉú |
ìÆäÈáÈä |
the hit of the season |
ìÀäÄéè-äÈòåÉðÈä |
ìÈäÄéè |
the bread of charity |
ìÆçÆí-çÆñÆã |
ìÆçÆí |
man does not live by bread alone |
ìÉà òÇì äÇìÌÆçÆí ìÀáÇãÌåÉ éÄäÀéÆä äÈàÈãÈí |
one who works the land will never want for bread |
òåÉáÅã àÇãÀîÈúåÉ éÄùÒÀáÌÇò ìÆçÆí |
to gaze at... |
ìÄìÀèÉù òÅéðÇéÄí áÌÀ... |
ìÈèÇùÑ |
to work day and night |
ìÇòÂùÒåÉú ìÅéìåÉú ëÌÇéÌÈîÄéí |
ìÇéÀìÈä |
Why in the world? |
åÀëÈì-ëÌÈêÀ ìÈîÌÈä? |
ìÈîÌÈä |
to do something despicable (to deride a beggar) |
ìÄìÀòÉâ ìÈøÈùÑ |
ìÈòÇâ |
Damn! Damn it! |
ìÇòÂæÈàæÅì! |
(ì)òÂæÈàæÅì |
to lick one's wounds |
ìÀìÇ÷ÌÅ÷ àÆú äÇôÌÀöÈòÄéí |
ìÄ÷ÌÅ÷ |
to lick one's fingers |
ìÀìÇ÷ÌÅ÷ àÆú äÈàÆöÀáÌÈòåÉú |
to derive pleasure |
ìÀìÇ÷ÌÅ÷ ãÌÀáÈùÑ |
the deciding voice |
ìÀùÑåÉï-äÇîÌÉàæÀðÇéÄí |
ìÈùÑåÉï |
euphemistically |
áÌÄìÀùÑåÉï ñÇâÌÄé-ðÀäåÉø |
to use careful language |
ìÀäÇ÷ÀôÌÄéã òÇì äÇìÌÈùÑåÉï |
Life and death are in the power of the tongue. |
îÈåÆú åÀçÇéÄéí áÌÀéÇã ìÈùÑåÉï |
with all my might |
áÌÀëÈì îÀàÉãÄé |
îÀàÉãÄé |
To a hundred and twenty! |
òÇã îÅàÈä åÀòÆùÒÀøÄéí! |
îÅàÈä |
better late than never |
èåÉá áÌÄîÀàËçÈø îÅàÂùÑÆø ìÀòåÉìÈí ìÉà |
îÀàËçÈø |
Enough! I've had enough! |
ðÄîÀàÇñ ìÄé, ìåÉ... |
ðÄîÀàÇñ (îàñ) |
in the old, old days |
îÄìÌÄôÀðÅé äÇîÌÇáÌåÌì |
îÇáÌåÌì |
I don't care what happens after I'm gone! |
àÇçÂøÇé äÇîÌÇáÌåÌì! |
love at first sight |
àÇäÂáÈä îÄîÌÇáÌÈè øÄàùÑåÉï |
îÇáÌÈè |
null and void |
áÈèÅì åÌîÀáËèÌÈì |
îÀáËèÌÈì |
ivory tower |
îÄâÀãÌÇì-äÇùÌÑÅï |
îÄâÀãÌÇì |
to congratulate on an accomplishment |
ìÀáÈøÅêÀ òÇì äÇîÌËâÀîÈø |
îËâÀîÈø |
to store away (a plan stored for future use) |
ìÀäÇëÀðÄéñ ìÇîÌÀâÅøÈä (úÌÈëÀðÄéú îÀâÅøÈä) |
îÀâÅøÈä |
to present on a silver platter |
ìÀäÇâÌÄéùÑ òÇì îÇâÌÈùÑ ùÑÆì ëÌÆñÆó |
îÇâÌÈùÑ |
a voice in the wilderness |
÷åÉì ÷åÉøÅà áÌÇîÌÄãÀáÌÈø |
îÄãÀáÌÈø |
to some extent |
áÌÀîÄãÌÇú-îÈä |
îÄãÌÈä |
measure for measure |
îÄãÌÈä ëÌÀðÆâÆã îÄãÌÈä |
much ado about nothing |
øÉá îÀäåÌîÈä òÇì ìÉà-îÀäåÌîÈä |
îÀäåÌîÈä |
the seven rings of hell |
ùÑÄáÀòÈä îÀãåÉøÅé âÌÅéäÄðÌåÉí |
îÈãåÉø |
to descend to the edge of the precipice |
ìÀäÄãÌÇøÀãÌÅø áÌÀîÄãÀøåÉï |
îÄãÀøåÉï |
actions speak louder than words |
ìÉà äÇîÌÄãÀøÈùÑ òÄ÷ÌÈø àÆìÌÈà äÇîÌÇòÂùÒÆä |
îÄãÀøÈùÑ |
clearly understood, taken for granted |
îåÌáÈï îÅàÅìÈéå |
îåÌáÈï |
in the full meaning of the word |
áÌÄîÀìÉà îåÌáÈï äÇîÌÄìÌÈä |
great things come in small packages |
îåÌòÈè äÇîÌÇçÀæÄé÷ àÆú äÇîÌÀøËáÌÆä |
îåÌòÈè |
minefield (also figur.) |
ùÒÀãÅä-îåÉ÷ÀùÑÄéí |
îåÉ÷ÅùÑ |
with discontent, displeasure |
áÌÀîåÉøÇú-øåÌçÇ |
îåÉøÈä |
to be between life and death |
ìÇòÂîÉã áÌÅéï çÇéÌÄéí åÌîÈåÆú |
îÈåÆú |
to be eye to eye with death |
ìÄøÀàåÉú àÆú äÇîÌÈåÆú áÌÈòÅéðÇéÄí |
I, you... have no luck |
àÅéï ìÄé (ìÀêÈ...) îÇæÌÈì |
îÇæÌÈì |
in a nutshell |
òÇì ÷ÀöÅä äÇîÌÇæÀìÅâ |
îÇæÀìÅâ |
ready and able |
îåÌëÈï åÌîÀæËîÌÈï |
îÀæËîÌÈï |