1. to snatch, seize, kidnap
2. to do in a hurry
ηΘθΗσ τς [η.θ.σ., ςξ' 146]
to catch a few winks, nap μΗηΐθΙσ ωΡΕπΘδ {ψΰδ βν: πΖηΐθΗσ}
1. branch, twig
2. scion
3. rod, pointer
ηΙθΖψ (ηεθψ) ζ
rod for cleaning guns ηΙθΖψ-πΔχΜεΜι
1. living, alive
2. vivacious, active
3. fresh, healthy
ηΗι ϊε''ζ
blackbread, ryebread μΖηΖν ηΗι
living language μΘωΡεΙο ηΗιΜΘδ
motivating force, spirit δΘψεΜηΗ δΗηΗιΜΘδ
fresh water, spring water ξΗιΔν ηΗιΜΔιν
1. to obligate, commit, oblige
2. to debit, charge an account
3. to favor, approve
ηΔιΜΕα (ηιια) τι [η.ι.α., ςξ' 147]
1. was obligated, obliged
2. was debited
ηΛιΜΗα (ηεια) τε [η.ι.α., ςξ' 147] {ψΰδ βν: δΔϊΐηΗιΜΕα}
1. obliged, indebted
2. guilty, culpable
ηΗιΜΘα (ηιια) ϊε''ζ
to dial ηΔιΜΕβ (ηιιβ) τι [μΐηΗιΜΕβ; ξΐηΗιΜΕβ; ιΐηΗιΜΕβ]
enigma, riddle ηΔιγΘδ π
quiz ηΔιγεΙο ζ
bacterium, germ ηΗιΐγΜΗχ ζ
to live, be alive, survive ηΘιΘδ τς [η.ι.ι.\η.ι.δ., ςξ' 147]
He is not our source, authority. μΙΰ ξΔτΜιε ΰΘπεΜ ηΗιΜΔιν. {ψΰδ βν: δΖηΑιΘδ}
1. animal, beast
2. animal life
ηΗιΜΘδ (ηιιδ) π
beast of prey ηΗιΜΗϊ-θΖψΖσ
wild beast ηΗιΜΘδ ψΘςΘδ
1. obligation, debt
2. debiting, charging
3. affirmation
ηΔιΜεΜα ζ
I answered in the positive. ςΘπΔιϊΔι αΜΐηΔιΜεΜα.
positive, affirmative ηΔιΜεΜαΔι ϊ
I affirm! Right you are! ηΔιΜεΜαΔι!Δ
good grade, mark φΔιΜεΜο ηΔιΜεΜαΔι
positive pole (physics) χΙθΖα ηΔιΜεΜαΔι
dialing ηΔιΜεΜβ ζ
area code ΰΕζεΙψ ηΔιΜεΜβ
smile ηΔιΜεΜκΐ ζ
vital, indispensable ηΔιΜεΜπΔι ϊ
essentialness ηΔιΜεΜπΔιΜεΜϊ π
tailor ηΗιΜΘθ (ηιιθ) ζ
life ηΗιΜΔιν ζ"ψ
l'haim! To your health! μΐηΗιΜΔιν!
lover of life ΰεΙδΕα-ηΗιΜΔιν
way of life ΰΙψΗη-ηΗιΜΔιν
life insurance αΜΔθΜεΜηΗ-ηΗιΜΔιν
animal αΜΗςΗμ-ηΗιΜΔιν
lifelong accomplishment ξΔτΐςΗμ-ηΗιΜΔιν
quesiton of life or death ωΡΐΰΕμΗϊ ηΗιΜΔιν ΰεΙ ξΘεΖϊ
Come on! What do you mean!? αΜΐηΗιΜΗι (αΜΐηΗιΜΖικΘ...)
to pester to death μΘψΖγΖϊ μΐηΗιΜΕι αΜΖο-ΰΘγΘν
to live it up, enjoy μΗςΒωΡεΙϊ ηΗιΜΔιν