to threaten, intimidate ΰΔιΜΕν τι [ΰ.ι.ν., ςξ' 14]
terrible, dreadful ΰΘιΙν (ΰιεν) ϊ
Shocking! ΰΘιΙν εΐπεΙψΘΰ!
when? ΰΕιξΘϊΗι?
since when? ξΕΰΕιξΘϊΗι?
nothing ΰΗιΔο
There is no choice. ΰΕιο αΜΐψΕψΘδ.
Never mind. ΰΕιο γΜΘαΘψ!
worthless, valueless λΜΐΰΗιΔο εΜλΐΰΖτΖρ
immeasurable, incalculable μΐΰΕιο ρΐτεΙψ
from where? ξΕΰΗιΔο?
plumber ΰΔιπΐρΐθΗμΜΘθεΙψ ζ
where? ΰΕιτΙδ?
the eighth month in the Hebrew calendar ΰΔιΜΘψ ζ
illustrator ΰΗιΜΘψ ζ
to illustrate ΰΔιΜΕψ (ΰιιψ) τι [ΰ.ι.ψ., ςξ' 14]
was illustrated ΰΛιΜΗψ (ΰειψ) τε [ΰ.ι.ψ., ςξ' 14]
Europe ΰΕιψεΙτΜΘδ π
European ΰΕιψεΙτΜΔι ϊ
1. man, person
2. male
3. husband
ΰΔιωΡ ζ (ψ' ΰΒπΘωΡΔιν)
field hand ΰΔιωΡ-ΰΒγΘξΘδ
educator ΰΔιωΡ-ηΔπΜεΜκΐ
public person ΰΔιωΡ-φΔαΜεΜψ
erudite person, thinker ΰΔιωΡ-ψεΜηΗ
pioneers ΰΗπΐωΡΕι-αΜΐψΕΰωΡΔιϊ
outstanding person ΰΔιωΡ ζ (ψ' ΰΔιωΡΔιν)
to man, provide personnel ΰΔιΜΕωΡ (ΰιιω) τι [ΰ.ι.ω., ςξ' 14]
was manned ΰΛιΜΗωΡ (ΰειω) τε [ΰ.ι.ω., ςξ' 14]
pupil (of the eye) ΰΔιωΡεΙο ζ
in the dead of night αΜΐΰΔιωΡεΙο μΗιΐμΘδ
personal ΰΔιωΡΔι ϊ
personally ΰΔιωΡΔιϊ
personality ΰΔιωΡΔιΜεΜϊ π
dominant personality αΜΗςΗμ-ΰΔιωΡΔιΜεΜϊ
to spell (words) ΰΔιΜΕϊ (ΰιιϊ) τι [ΰ.ι.ϊ., ςξ' 15]
firm, steadfast, mighty ΰΕιϊΘο ϊ
he recuperated ωΡΘα μΐΰΕιϊΘπεΙ
but, however ΰΗκΐ
only, exclusively ΰΗκΐ εΐψΗχ