1. the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet
2. one
3. the first
à' (àÈìÆó)
of the first order, top notch à"à; ñåÌâ à'
from “a” to “z” îÅà' åÀòÇã ú'
Sunday éåÉí à'
father àÈá æ (ø' àÈáåÉú)
chief justice àÇá-áÌÅéú-ãÌÄéï
step-father àÈá çåÉøÅâ
old-age home áÌÅéú-àÈáåÉú
“sayings of the fathers” ôÌÄøÀ÷Åé-àÈáåÉú
the eleventh month of the Hebrew àÈá æ
“Tisha B’Av” – day of fasting for the destruction of the Temple úÌÄùÑÀòÈä áÌÀàÈá
daddy àÇáÌÈà æ
to get lost àÈáÇã ôò [à.á.ã., òî' 1]
My time was lost/wasted. àÈáÇã ìÄé æÀîÇï.
old-fashioned, past its time àÈáÇã òÈìÈéå ëÌÆìÇç.
His hopes were lost. àÈáÀãåÌ úÌÄ÷ÀååÉúÈéå
to lose àÄáÌÅã (àéáã) ôé [à.á.ã., òî' 1]
he lost consciousness àÄáÌÅã äÇëÌÈøÈúåÉ
he lost his composure, panicked àÄáÌÅã òÆùÑÀúÌåÉðåÉúÈéå
he committed suicide àÄáÌÅã àÆú òÇöîåÉ ìÈãÇòÇú [øàä âí: äÄúÀàÇáÌÅã]
loss àÂáÅãÈä (àáéãä) ð
1. killed in action
2. things lost in a catastrophe
àÈáÀãÈï æ
oboe àÇáÌåÌá æ
loss àÄáÌåÌã (àéáåã) æ
was lost, wasted, strayed äÈìÇêÀ ìÀàÄáÌåÌã
lost, wasted, beyond repair àÈáåÌã ú
avocado àÂáåÉ÷ÈãåÉ æ
buckle àÇáÀæÅí æ
diagnosis àÄáÀçåÌï æ
to diagnose àÄáÀçÅï ôé [à.á.ç.ï., òî' 1]
was diagnosed àËáÀçÇï (àåáçï) ôå [à.á.ç.ï., òî' 1]
1. diagnosing
2. making a distinction (between)
àÇáÀçÈðÈä ð
1. protection
2. guarantee
àÇáÀèÈçÈä ð
watermelon àÂáÇèÌÄéçÇ æ
prototype àÇáÀèÄéôÌåÌñ æ
unemployment àÇáÀèÈìÈä