nation, people | òÇí æ |
common person(s) | òÇí-äÈàÈøÆõ |
the people of the Book | òÇí-äÇñÌÅôÆø |
community center | áÌÅéú-äÈòÈí |
mass meeting | òÂöÆøÆú-òÇí |
with, together with | òÄí |
yet, still, nevertheless | òÄí æÆä, òÄí ëÌÈì æÆä |
1. to stand 2. to be about to... |
òÈîÇã ôò [ò.î.ã., òî' 382] {øàä âí: ðÆòÁîÇã, äÆòÁîÄéã, äÈòÃîÇã} |
He passed the test. | òÈîÇã áÌÄáÀçÄéðÈä |
He kept his word. | òÈîÇã áÌÀãÄáÌåÌøåÉ |
He stood up to everyone. | òÈîÇã áÌÄôÀðÅé ëÌËìÌÈí |
He insisted, stood his ground. | òÈîÇã òÇì ùÑÆìÌåÉ |
He stood on the sidelines. | òÈîÇã îÄï äÇöÌÇã |
to stand guard | ìÇòÂîÉã òÇì äÇîÌÄùÑÀîÈø |
To stand on one's own two feet. | ìÇòÂîã òÇì äÈøÇâÀìÇéÄí |
I am about to leave. | àÂðÄé òåÉîÅã ìÈöÅàú. |
1. position 2. opinion, stand |
òÆîÀãÌÈä ð |
to take a stand | ìÄðÀ÷Éè òÆîÀãÌÈä |
1. pillar, column 2. page of a book |
òÇîÌåÌã æ |
spinal column | òÇîÌåÌã-äÇùÌÑÄãÀøÈä |
central pillar, position | òÇîÌåÌã-äÇúÌÈåÆêÀ |
1. pagination 2. typesetting |
òÄîÌåÌã (òéîåã) æ |
1. dim, faint 2. dull, indistinct |
òÈîåÌí ú |
loaded, burdened | òÈîåÌñ ú |
confrontation | òÄîÌåÌú (òéîåú) æ |
1. resistant, durable 2. standing, upright |
òÈîÄéã ú |
1. standing position 2. stability, resistance 3. central prayer of Jewish worship |
òÂîÄéãÈä ð |
middle age | âÌÄéì-äÈòÂîÄéãÈä |
resistance, resilience | òÂîÄéãåÌú ð |
starch | òÂîÄéìÈï æ |
colleague, associate | òÈîÄéú æ |
work, labor, toil | òÈîÈì æ |
worker, laborer | òÈîÅì æ |
to work, labor, toil | òÈîÇì ôò [ò.î.ì., òî' 383] {øàä âí: äÄúÀòÇîÌÅì} |
commission, fee | òÇîÀìÈä ð |
popular, of the people | òÂîÈîÄé ú |
1. load, burden 2. freight, cargo |
òÉîÆñ (òåîñ) æ |
dimmer, silencer | òÇîÀòÈí æ |
deep, profound | òÈîÉ÷ (òîå÷) ú |
depth, profundity | òÉîÆ÷ (òåî÷) æ |
to get into the depths of the matter | ìÈøÆãÆú ìÀòÉîÆ÷-äÇãÌÈáÈø |
valley, plain | òÅîÆ÷ æ |
the Jordan Valley | òÅîÆ÷ äÇéÌÇøÀãÌÅï |
to find common ground | ìÈáåÉà ìÀòÅîÆ÷ äÇùÌÑÈåÆä |
sheaf of corn | òÉîÆø (òåîø) æ |
the 49 days from the second day of Passover until Shavuot | ñÀôÄéøÇú äÈòÉîÆø |
the 33rd day of the counting of the Omer - a holiday | ìÇ"â áÌÈòÉîÆø |