alert, watchful ٍإّ ْ
1. temporary
2. casual, haphazard
ٍآّاàé ْ
to mix, mingle ٍإّإل ôé [ٍ.ّ.ل., ٍî' 396]
was mixed, mingled ٍةّال ôه [ٍ.ّ.ل., ٍî' 396] {ّàن âي: نؤْہٍبّإل}
to guarantee, vouch for ٍإّإل
guarantor ٍبّإل و
pleasant, agreeable ٍبّإل ْ
1. evening
2. eve
ٍئّئل و
each evening ٍئّئل-ٍئّئل
twilight, dusk ىؤôہًهةْ ٍئّئل
dinner, supper àآّهجçاْ-ٍئّئل
the eve of a holiday ٍئّئل-çاâ
Friday night ٍئّئل-ùرالجبْ
twilight لجإéï-نبٍاّہلجاéؤي
woof (yarn) ٍإّئل و
length and breadth ùرہْؤé-هبٍإّئل
1. to mix, blend
2. to mix-up, confuse
ٍؤّہلجإل ôé [ٍ.ّ.ل.ل., ٍî' 396]
1. was mixed, blended
2. was muddled, confused
ٍثّہلجال ôه [ٍ.ّ.ل.ل., ٍî' 396] {ّàن âي: نؤْہٍاّہلجإل}
dry land, steppe ٍآّبلبن ً
The Arava - a southern, arid area of Israel نبٍآّبلبن
surety, guarantee ٍآّثلجبن (ٍّهلن) ً
hostages لجہًإé-ٍآّثلجبن
1. mixture, blending
2. confusion
ٍؤّہلجهجل و
mess, muddle, disorder ٍؤّہلجهجلہéبن ً
pledge, deposit, earnest money ٍإّبلهةï و (ّ' ٍإّہلهةًهةْ)
limited guarantee لجہٍإّبلهةï îثâہلجبى
pledge, guarantee ٍاّہلهجْ ً
1. Arab
2. Arabic
ٍآّبلؤé ْه"و
Arabic language ٍآّبلؤéْ ً
garden bed ٍآّهجâبن ً
flower bed ٍآّهجâاْ-ôجہّبçؤéي
1. nakedness
2. shame, lewdness
ٍئّہهبن (ٍّههن) ً
infusion, transfusion ٍإّهجé (ٍéّهé) و
blood transfusion ٍإّهجé-مجبي
shrewd, cunning ٍبّهجي ْ