slope, decline îåÉøÈã æ
rebel, insurgent îåÉøÅã æ
teacher îåÉøÆä æ, îåÉøÈä ð
guide îåÉøÅä-ãÌÆøÆêÀ
My teacher and mentor! îåÉøÄé åÀøÇáÌÄé!
1. raised, elevated
2. exalted, uplifted
îåÌøÈí ú
1. seat
2. session
3. place, site
4. agricultural settlement
îåÉùÑÈá æ
seat of honor îåÉùÑÇá-ëÌÈáåÉã
summer (winter) session îåÉùÑÇá-÷ÇéÄõ (çÉøÆó)
1. settlement, village
2. colony
îåÉùÑÈáÈä ð
stretched, extended îåÌùÑÈè ú
hand extended in peace éÈã îåÌùÑÆèÆú ìÀùÑÈìåÉí
redeemer, helper îåÉùÑÄéòÇ æ
attractive, appealing îåÉùÑÅêÀ ú
reins îåÉùÑÀëåÉú ð"ø
governor, ruler îåÉùÑÅì æ
death îÈåÆú (îååú) æ
angel of death îÇìÀàÇêÀ-äÇîÌÈåÆú
death sentence îÄùÑÀôÌÇè-îÈåÆú
mortal danger ñÇëÌÈðÇú-îÈåÆú
deadly hatred ùÒÄðÀàÇú-îÈåÆú
thrilling, suspenseful îåÉúÅçÇ ú
thrilling book ñÅôÆø îåÉúÅçÇ
1. abundance, surplus
2. remnant, remainder
îåÉúÈø æ (ø' îåÉúÈøåÉú)
luxury, luxuriousness îåÉúÈøåÉú
alter îÄæÀáÌÅçÇ æ (ø' îÄæÀáÌÀçåÉú)
dunghill, garbage dump îÄæÀáÌÈìÈä ð
1. mixture
2. temperament, nature
îÆæÆâ æ
weather îÆæÆâ-àÂåÄéø
hotheaded îÆæÆâ çÇí, çÇí-îÆæÆâ
cold-blooded îÆæÆâ ÷Çø, ÷Çø-îÆæÆâ
1. to mix, blend
2. to pour
îÈæÇâ ôò [ìÄîÀæÉâ àÆú; îåÉæÅâ; éÄîÀæÉâ]
to mix, merge, amalgamate îÄæÌÅâ (îéæâ) ôé [î.æ.â., òî' 262]
was amalgamated, merged îËæÌÇâ (îåæâ) ôå [î.æ.â., òî' 262] {øàä âí: ðÄîÀæÇâ, äÄúÀîÇæÌÅâ}
glazed, frosted îÀæËâÌÈâ (îæåââ) ú
air-conditioner îÇæÀâÈï æ (âí: îÇæÀâÇï-àÂåÄéø)
gilded îËæÀäÈá (îåæäá) ú
polluted, contaminated îÀæÉäÈí (îæåäí) ú
mixture, fusion, amalgamation îÄæÌåÌâ (îéæåâ) æ
air-conditioner îÄæÌåÌâ-àÂåÄéø
suitcase, bag îÄæÀåÈãÈä (îæååãä) ð
mezuzah - parchment for door post îÀæåÌæÈä ð
food, nourishment îÈæåÉï æ
alimony îÀæåÉðåÉú æ"ø
quay, pier îÅæÇç æ
sled, sleigh îÄæÀçÆìÆú ð
blending, pouring îÀæÄéâÈä ð
armed, equipped îÀæËéÌÈï (îæåéï) ú
reinforced concrete áÌÆèåÉï îÀæËéÌÈï
with the naked eye áÌÀòÇéÄï ùÑÆàÅéðÈäÌ îÀæËéÌÆðÆú
nourishing, nutritive îÅæÄéï ú
forged, counterfeit îÀæËéÌÈó (îæåéó) ú
destructive, harmful îÇæÌÄé÷ úå"æ
secretary (masc., fem.) îÇæÀëÌÄéø æ îÇæÀëÌÄéøÈä ð
secretariat îÇæÀëÌÄéøåÌú ð
mentioned, cited îËæÀëÌÈø (îåæëø) ú
mentioned above îËæÀëÌÈø ìÀòÅéì
1. memento, souvenir
2. memorandum
îÇæÀëÌÆøÆú ð
1. luck, fortune
2. lot, destiny
3. constellation
îÇæÌÈì æ
Congratulations! îÇæÌÈì èåÉá!
unfortunately ìÀøÉòÇ äÇîÌÇæÌÈì
lucky person áÌÇø-îÇæÌÈì
unlucky, ill-fated áÌÄéùÑ-îÇæÌÈì
games of fortune, gambling îÄùÒÀçÂ÷Åé-îÇæÌÈì
He was lucky. ùÒÄçÅ÷ ìåÉ äÇîÌÇæÌÈì.