grave, tomb χΖαΖψ ζ
common grave χΖαΖψ-ΰΗηΔιν
cemetery αΜΕιϊ-χΐαΘψεΙϊ
to bury χΘαΗψ τς [χ.α.ψ., ςξ' 475] {ψΰδ βν: πΔχΐαΜΗψ}
gravedigger χΗαΐψΘο ζ
captain, skipper, leader χΗαΜΗψΐπΔιθ ζ
leaders of the economy χΗαΜΗψΐπΔιθΕι-δΗξΜΖωΡΖχ
bow, curtsy χΔγΜΘδ (χιγδ) π
encoding, ciphering χΔγΜεΜγ (χιγεγ) ζ
drilling, boring χΔγΜεΜηΗ (χιγεη) ζ
ancient, old χΘγεΜν ϊ
prejudice, preconception γΜΕςΘδ χΐγεΜξΘδ
advancement, promotion χΔγΜεΜν (χιγεν) ζ
advancement of the project χΔγΜεΜν δΗτΜΐψεΙιΖχΐθ
holy, sacred χΘγεΙωΡ ϊε"ζ
the Holy One blessed be He δΗχΜΘγεΙωΡ-αΜΘψεΜκΐ-δεΜΰ (δχα"δ)
sacred cows τΜΘψεΙϊ χΐγεΙωΡεΙϊ
sanctification χΔγΜεΜωΡ (χιγεω) ζ
marriage ceremony χΔγΜεΜωΡΔιο
for the sanctification of God's name ςμ χΔγΜεΜωΡ-δΗωΜΡΕν
1. to bore, to drill
2. to be feverish
χΘγΗη τς [χ.γ.η., ςξ' 475] {ψΰδ βν: πΔχΐγΜΗη}
1. fever
2. malaria
χΗγΜΗηΗϊ π
excitement before a journey χΗγΜΗηΗϊ-πΐρΔιςΘδ
feverish, fervent χΗγΜΗηΐϊΜΘπΔι ϊ
priority, preference χΐγΔιξΘδ π
priority, precedence ζΐλεΜϊ-χΐγΔιξΘδ
earnest money γΜΐξΕι-χΐγΔιξΘδ
prayer said for the dead χΗγΜΔιωΡ ζ
burial society ηΖαΐψΘΰ χΗγΜΔιωΡΘΰ