to fertilize äÄôÀøÈä äé [ô.ø.é.\ô.ø.ä., òî' 434]
was fertilized äËôÀøÈä (äåôøä) äå [ô.ø.é.\ô.ø.ä., òî' 434]
violation, breach äÂôÈøÈä ð
violation of the law äÂôÈøÇú-çÉ÷
exaggeration äÇôÀøÈæÈä ð
to separate, sever äÄôÀøÄéã äé [ô.ø.ã., òî' 431] {øàä âí: äËôÀøÇã, ðÄôÀøÇã, äÄúÀôÌÈøÅã}
fertilization äÇôÀøÈéÈä ð
artificial insemination äÇôÀøÈéÈä îÀìÈàëåÌúÄéú
to exaggerate äÄôÀøÄéæ äé [ô.ø.æ., òî' 432]
to cause to flower, bloom äÄôÀøÄéçÇ äé [ô.ø.ç., òî' 433] {øàä âí: ôÌÈøÇç}
to bother, disrupt, interfere äÄôÀøÄéòÇ äé [ô.ø.ò., òî' 437] {øàä âí: äËôÀøÇò, äÄúÀôÌÈøÅòÇ}
1. to set aside
2. to secrete
äÄôÀøÄéùÑ äé [ô.ø.ù., òî' 441] {øàä âí: ôÌÈøÇùÑ, äËôÀøÇùÑ}
was bothered, disrupted, distrubed äËôÀøÇò (äåôøò) äå [ô.ø.ò., òî' 437] {øàä âí: äÄôÀøÄéòÇ, äÄúÀôÌÈøÅòÇ}
disturbance, interference äÇôÀøÈòÈä ð
1. difference, gap
2. remainder
äÆôÀøÅùÑ æ
1. was set aside
2. was secreted
äËôÀøÇùÑ (äåôøù) äå [ô.ø.ù., òî' 441] {øàä âí: ôÌÈøÇùÑ, äÄôÀøÄéùÑ}
1. setting aside
2. secretion
äÇôÀøÈùÑÈä ð
1. was undressed
2. was made abstract
äËôÀùÑÇè (äåôùè) äå [ô.ù.è., òî' 442] {øàä âí: äÄôÀùÑÄéè}
1. undressing
2. abstraction
äÇôÀùÑÈèÈä ð
1. to undress
2. to make abstract
äÄôÀùÑÄéè äé [ô.ù.è., òî' 442] {øàä âí: äËôÀùÑÇè, ôÌÈùÑÇè, ôÌÄùÌÑÅè, ôÌËùÌÑÇè, äÄúÀôÌÇùÌÑÅè}
1. to melt, defrost
2. to mollify, conciliate
äÄôÀùÑÄéø äé [ô.ù.ø., òî' 443]
1. was melted, defrosted
2. was mollified
äËôÀùÑÇø (äåôùø) äå [îËôÀùÑÈø; éËôÀùÑÇø] {øàä âí: ôÌÄùÌÑÅø, äÄúÀôÌÇùÌÑÅø}
defrosting, thawing äÇôÀùÑÈøÈä ð
to surprise äÄôÀúÌÄéòÇ äé [ô.ú.ò., òî' 446]
was surprised äËôÀúÌÇò (äåôúò) äå [ô.ú.ò., òî' 446]
surprise äÇôÀúÌÈòÈä ð
was placed, positioned äËöÌÇá (äåöá) äå [îËöÌÈá; éËöÌÇá] {øàä âí: ðÄöÌÇá, éÄöÌÅá, äÄöÌÄéá, äÄúÀéÇöÌÅá}
1. to point at/to...
2. to vote
äÄöÀáÌÄéòÇ äé [ö.á.ò., òî' 447]
1. pointing at, indicating
2. voting
äÇöÀáÌÈòÈä ð
vote of confidence (no-confidence) äÇöÀáÌÈòÇú-àÅîåÌï (àÄé-àÅîåÌï)
1. was demonstrated, presented
2. was represented
äËöÌÇâ (äåöâ) äå [é.ö.â., òî' 211] {øàä âí: äÄöÌÄéâ, éÄöÌÅâ, éËöÌÇâ}
show, play, presentation äÇöÌÈâÈä ð
to salute äÄöÀãÌÄéòÇ äé [ö.ã.ò., òî' 449]
to justify, vindicate äÄöÀãÌÄé÷ äé [ö.ã.÷., òî' 449] {øàä âí: öÈãÇ÷, äÄöÀèÇãÌÅ÷}
salute äÇöÀãÌÈòÈä ð
justification äÇöÀãÌÈ÷Èä ð
to declare, make a statement äÄöÀäÄéø äé [ö.ä.ø.,òî' 450]
joy, jubilation äÇöÀäÈìÈä ð
declaration äÇöÀäÈøÈä ð
Balfour Declaration (1917) äÇöÀäÈøÇú-áÌÇìÀôåÌø
to cause to laugh äÄöÀçÄé÷ äé [ö.ç.÷., òî' 454] {øàä âí: öÈçÇ÷}
to accumulate, pile up äÄöÀèÇáÌÅø äú [ö.á.ø., òî' 448] {øàä âí: öÈáÇø, ðÄöÀáÌÇø]
accumulation, accrual äÄöÀèÇáÌÀøåÌú ð
to justify oneself äÄöÀèÇãÌÅ÷ äú [ö.ã.÷., òî' 449] {øàä âí: öÈãÇ÷, äÄöÀãÌÄé÷}
self-justification äÄöÀèÇãÌÀ÷åÌú ð
to be ordered, commanded äÄöÀèÇåÌÈä (äöèååä) äú [ö.å.é.\ö.å.ä., òî' 451] {øàä âí: öÄåÌÈä, öËåÌÈä, ðÄöÀèÇåÌÈä}
to be crowded together äÄöÀèåÉôÅó äú [ö.ô.ó., òî' 468] {øàä âí: öåÉôÅó}
crowding, congestion äÄöÀèåÉôÀôåÌú ð
to equip oneself äÄöÀèÇéÌÅã (äöèééã) äú [ö.é.ã., òî' 454] {øàä âí: öÄéÌÅã, öËéÌÇã}
equipping oneself äÄöÀèÇéÌÀãåÌú (äöèééãåú) ð
to excel äÄöÀèÇéÌÅï (äöèééï) äú [ö.é.ï., òî' 454] {øàä âí: öÄéÌÅï, öËéÌÇï}
excellence, distinction äÄöÀèÇéÌÀðåÌú (äöèééðåú) ð
1. to pose, sit for a portrait
2. to appear to be, emerge as
äÄöÀèÇéÌÅø äú [ö.é.ø., òî' 456] {øàä âí: öÄéÌÅø, öËéÌÇø, ðÄöÀèÇéÌÅø}
1. to give the sign of the cross
2. to intersect
äÄöÀèÇìÌÅá äú [ö.ì.á., òî' 456] {øàä âí: öÈìÇá, ðÄöÀìÇá, öÄìÌÅá, äÄöÀìÄéá, äËöÀìÇá}
1. making the sign of the cross
2. intersection
äÄöÀèÇìÌÀáåÌú ð
to be photographed äÄöÀèÇìÌÅí äú [ö.ì.í., òî' 459] {øàä âí: öÄìÌÅí, öËìÌÇí}
being photographed äÄöÀèÇìÌÀîåÌú ð
to be reduced, minimized äÄöÀèÇîÀöÅí äú [ö.î.ö.í., òî' 462] {øàä âí: öÄîÀöÅí, öËîÀöÇí}
contraction, diminution äÄöÀèÇîÀöÀîåÌú ð
1. to catch a cold
2. to be cooled
äÄöÀèÇðÌÅï äú [ö.ð.ï., òî' 464] {øàä âí: öÄðÌÅï, öËðÌÇï}
1. catching cold
2. cooling
äÄöÀèÇðÌÀðåÌú ð
to be modest, humble äÄöÀèÇðÌÅòÇ äú [ö.ð.ò., òî' 464] {øàä âí: äÄöÀðÄéòÇ, äËöÀðÇò}